HK House of Peers - Charity

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(The House of Lords is the second chamber of the British Houses of
Parliament. Members of the House of Lords are known as 'peers.')


HK House of Peers



HOP's Charity
HNW & the Oregon Zoo Foundation
Jo Ann Murdoch
Charity Auction


Harmony Kingdom

Harmony Kingdom UK

HK House of Peers



Charitable fundraising is an important part of the HK House of Peers and Harmony Ball Company. Those charitable events are listed below:

HK House of Peers - Charity


Oregon Zoo Foundation Charity DECEMBER 1, 2018

Lily - Oregon Zoo

In early 1997 Harmony Northwest became the first independent club for Harmony Kingdom. It's charity was the Oregon Zoo, located in Portland. Upon the closure of Harmony Northwest, a charitable donation of over $5,000 was given to the Oregon Zoo Foundation for the support of Elephant Lands and the zoo's conservation, education, and animal welfare efforts. On November 30, 2018, the following announcement was made: "The Oregon Zoo is in mourning today following the sudden and unexpected loss of Lily, the youngest of the zoo elephant family, one day before her sixth birthday."
Charity Auction MAY 7, 2018

HK Mardi Gras

A charity auction for a HK Mardi Gras set of figurines, to honor the passing of Jo Ann Mousley Murdoch, was held to benefit the Florida Baptist Children's Homes. This auction ended May 13, 2018.

HK Mardi Gras Set 

HOP Charity - 2011–2012 JUNE 26, 2011
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) continues as the primary charity that the HK House of Peers will support on a national level during the current fiscal year.
Event #70 MARCH 31, 2011
A charity fundraiser Charity Raffle to benefit NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) with the raffle of an original oil painting by Evelyn Williams - New Baby.


New Baby


Evelyn Williams "New Baby" Oil Painting

Potter League for Animals FEBRUARY 16, 2010
Patricia Heller, Director of Development for the Potter League, sent this letter following the PASSPORT TO THE KINGDOM event.
2009 Charitable Donations JANUARY 16, 2010
Following the event in Newport, Rhode Island, this email from HOP President Leanna Barron was received, announcing the results of charitable donations.
HOP Charity - 2009–2011 OCTOBER 30, 2009
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) continues as the primary charity that the HK House of Peers will support on a national level during the current fiscal year.
Event #69 SEPTEMBER 27, 2009
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #69 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) with the eBay auction of a solid body Family Ties.


Family Ties Prototype

Family Ties Prototype

Event #68 SEPTEMBER 3, 2009
A charity fundraiser Dollar Raffle to benefit the Potter League for Animals featuring over 70 special raffles. Winners were drawn during the PASSPORT TO THE KINGDOM event on October 31, 2009.


Over 70 Special Raffles 
(this is only one example) 

Ed's Safari III

Event #67 MAY 10, 2009
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #67 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) with the eBay auction of a solid-body Eat, Drink and Be Merry prototype.


Eat, Drink and Be Merry Prototype

Eat, Drink and Be Merry Prototype

Event #66 MARCH 29, 2009
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #66 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) with the eBay auction of a solid-body Fool's Paradise prototype.


Fool's Paradise Prototype

Fool's Paradise Prototype

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Event #65 FEBRUARY 8, 2009
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #65 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) with the eBay auction of Ebony and Ivory prototypes.


Ivory and Ebony Prototypes

Ivory and Ebony Prototypes

Event #64 DECEMBER 7, 2008
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #64 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) with the eBay auction of three FurFest prototypes.

FurFest Prototypes

FurFest Prototypes

Event #63 AUGUST 17, 2008
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #63 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) with the eBay auction of a Great Expectations prototype.


Great Expectations Prototype

Great Expectations Prototype

Event #62 APRIL 27, 2008
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #62 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) with the eBay auction of a Neighborhood Watch III prototype.


Neighborhood Watch III Prototype

Neighborhood Watch III Prototype

HOP Charity - 2008–2009 APRIL 11, 2008
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) continues as the primary charity that the HK House of Peers will support on a national level during the current fiscal year.
Event #61 MARCH 4, 2008
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #61 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) with the eBay auction of a Over the Rainbow prototype.


Over the Rainbow Prototype


Over the Rainbow Prototype

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Event #60 JANUARY 22, 2008
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #60 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) with the eBay auction of a Fatal Attraction prototype.


Fatal Attraction Prototype

Fatal Attraction Prototype

Event #59 NOVEMBER 25, 2007
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #59 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) with the eBay auction of a Bronze Hurly-Burly prototype.


Hurly-Burly Bronze Prototype

Hurly-Burly Bronze Prototype

Event #58 OCTOBER 13, 2007
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #58 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) with the eBay auction of a Bon Appétit prototype.


Bon Appétit Prototype

Bon Appétit Prototype

Event #57 AUGUST 31, 2007
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #57 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) with the eBay auction of an unreleased 'Cactus' prototype.


Unreleased 'Cactus' Prototype

Unreleased 'Cactus' Prototype

Event #56 AUGUST 12, 2007
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #56 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) with the eBay auction of an unreleased 'Two Construction Turtles' prototype.


'Two Construction Turtles' Prototype

'Two Construction Turtles' Prototype

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Event #55 JULY 23, 2007
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #55 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) with the eBay auction of a Koko's Treat prototype, a Harmony Kingdom Covet.


Koko's Treat Prototype

Koko's Treat Prototype

Event #54 JULY 7, 2007
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #54 to benefit charities selected by our independent clubs. A raffle of the only colour variation of Wheel of Life. The drawing was held in conjunction with the PIRATES of the KINGDOM event in Orlando, Florida, on April 13, 2008.


Wheel of Life Colour Variation

Wheel of Life

Event #53 MAY 24, 2007
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #53 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) with the eBay auction of an unreleased 'Hibiscus' prototype, originally planned for Lord Byron's Harmony Garden.


'Hibiscus' Prototype

'Hibiscus' Prototype

Event #52 MAY 13, 2007
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #52 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) with the eBay auction of a 'Gorilla and Baby' unreleased prototype.


'Gorilla and Baby' Prototype

'Gorilla and Baby' Prototype

Event #51 JULY 1, 2007
A charity fundraiser to benefit our Independent Collectors' Clubs favorite charities with the raffle of a Big Gulp prototype, a Holy Smoke prototype, and a This Mortal Coil Artist Master. This joint Spring/Summer Charity Raffle was available to US Collectors and UK Collectors.,,,,

Big Gulp (Solid-body Prototype)
Big Gulp

Holy Smoke (Cigar Prototype)
Holy Smoke

This Mortal Coil (Bronze Resin Artist Master)
This Mortal Coil

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Event #50 MARCH 9, 2007
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #50 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) with the eBay auction of a Pond Pleasure prototype, a Harmony Kingdom Covets raised $213.50.


Pond Pleasure Prototype

Pond Pleasure Prototype

Event #49 FEBRUARY 7, 2007
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #49 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) with the eBay auction of an Unreleased Harmony Garden prototype raised $293.88.


Unreleased Harmony Garden Prototype

Lord Bryon's Unreleased Harmony Garden Prototype

HOP Charity - 2006–2007 OCTOBER 15, 2006
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) continues as the primary charity that the HK House of Peers will support on a national level during the fiscal year ending July 1, 2007.
Event #48 SEPTEMBER 18, 2006
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #48 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) with the eBay auction of a Rule Britannia artist proof raised $184.50.


Rule Britannia Artist Proof

Rule Britannia Artist Proof

Event #47 JULY 16, 2006
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #47 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) with the eBay auction of a Sweet Nectar prototype, a Harmony Kingdom Covets raised $187.66.


Sweet Nectar Prototype

Sweet Nectar Prototype

Event #46 APRIL 21, 2006
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #46 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) with the eBay auction of an unreleased 'Golden Poppy' prototype, originally planned for Lord Byron's Harmony Garden raised $605.


'Golden Poppy' Prototype

'Golden Poppy' Prototype

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Event #45 MARCH 18, 2006
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #45 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) with the eBay auction of a Greenman's Grove prototype raised $330.


Greenman's Grove Prototype

Greenman's Grove Prototype

HOP Charity - 2005–2006 SEPTEMBER 24, 2005
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) continues as the primary charity that the HK House of Peers will support on a national level during the fiscal year ending July 1, 2006.
Event #44 JULY 23, 2005
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #44 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) with the eBay auction of a Trouble Bruin Version One prototype and a Trouble Bruin Version Two prototype raised $207.50.


Trouble Bruin V1 & V2 Prototypes

Trouble Bruin V1 & V2 Prototypes

Event #43 APRIL 8, 2005
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #43 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) with the eBay auction of a Rookery Rave prototype raised $351.99.


Rookery Rave Prototype

Rookery Rave Prototype

Event #42 FEBRUARY 13, 2005
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #42 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) with the eBay auction of an O Give Me a Home solid body prototype raised $226.78.


O Give Me a Home Solid Body Prototype

O Give Me a Home Solid Body Prototype

Event #41 DECEMBER 4, 2004
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #41 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) with the eBay auction of a Fragonard prototype raised $306.


Fragonard Prototype

Fragonard Prototype

HOP Charity - 2004–2005 OCTOBER 2, 2004
NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) continues as the primary charity that the HK House of Peers will support on a national level during the fiscal year ending July 1, 2005.
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Event #40 JULY 23, 2004
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #40 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) with the eBay auction of a Hemingway prototype raised $330.99.


Hemingway Prototype

Hemingway Prototype

Event #39 JUNE 1, 2004
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #39 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) with the eBay auction of a Pond Pleasure prototype raised $152.50.


Pond Pleasure Prototype

Pond Pleasure Prototype

Event #38 APRIL 15, 2004
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #38 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) with the eBay auction of a Feasty Fest solid body prototype raised $282.24.


Feasty Fest Solid Body Prototype

Feasty Fest Solid Body Prototype

Event #37 MARCH 21, 2004
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #37 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) with the eBay auction of a Boom Box solid body prototype raised $411.06.


Boom Box Solid Body Prototype

Boom Box Solid Body Prototype

Event #36 FEBRUARY 27, 2004
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #36 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) with the eBay auction of a Crown Jewel prototype raised $323.


Crown Jewel Prototype

Crown Jewel Prototype

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Event #35 JANUARY 30, 2004
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #35 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) with the eBay auction of two Always & Forever prototypes raised $520.10.


Always & Forever Prototypes

Always & Forever Prototypes

Event #34 DECEMBER 3, 2003
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #34 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) with the eBay auction of a War and Peace prototype raised $567.


War and Peace Prototype

War and Peace Prototype

Event #33 SEPTEMBER 16, 2003
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #33 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) with the eBay auction of a Leclair prototype raised $197.50.


Leclair Prototype

Leclair Prototype

HOP Charity - 2003–2004 JULY 1, 2003
NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) continues as the primary charity that the HK House of Peers will support on a national level during the fiscal year ending July 1, 2004.
Event #32 MAY 8, 2003
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #32 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) with the eBay auction of two Lord of the Aisles prototypes raised $465.55.


Lord of the Aisles Prototype

Lord of the Aisles Prototype

Event #31 APRIL 14, 2003
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #31 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) with the eBay auction of a Haji's Hero prototype and an Elephant Wee Beastie prototype raised $255.


Elephant Wee Beastie Prototype

Elephant Wee Beastie Prototype

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Event #30 JANUARY 15, 2003
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #30 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) with the eBay auction of a Babbling Heights prototype raised $421.09.



Babbling Heights Prototype

Babbling Heights Prototype (top)

Event #29 NOVEMBER 10, 2002
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #29 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) with the eBay auction of a King Of The Hill prototype raised $481.


King Of The Hill Prototype

King Of The Hill Prototype

Event #28 OCTOBER 6, 2002
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #28 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) with the eBay auction of a solid body Cerlulu (the blue dragon) prototype raised $1,026.


Cerlulu Solid Body Prototype

Cerlulu Solid Body Prototype

Event #27 AUGUST 31, 2002
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #27 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) with the eBay auction of a solid body Bum Wrap prototype raised $1,031.


Bum Wrap Solid Body Prototype

Bum Wrap Solid Body Prototype

Event #26 SEPTEMBER 20, 2002
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #26 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill). HOP's Fall Raffle includes one of three great prizes: three (3) Tulip prototypes; Nic Nac Paddy Whack; or Jingle Bell Rock. The entry deadline was November 18, 2002.
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Event #25 JULY 25, 2002
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #25 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) with the auction of two Moon Rover prototypes; a US prototype and a UK prototype raised $762.


Moon Rover UK Prototype

Moon Rover UK Prototype

Event #24 JULY 6, 2002
Many independent HK clubs contributed to a giant, Multi-Club Raffle Charity Event #24, where over 30 terrific prizes were awarded. The Raffle took place during the HK Reunion Dinner. Proceeds were divided among the participating clubs for their designated charities.
HOP Charity - 2002–2003 JULY 1, 2002
NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) continues as the primary charity that the HK House of Peers will support on a national level during the fiscal year ending July 1, 2003.
Event #23 JULY 6, 2002
HOP hosted a Live Charity Auction Charity Event #23 during the International Gift & Collectible Exposition in Rosemont. It was held directly after the HK Reunion Dinner and everyone was welcome to attend and participate. Harmony Kingdom had donated outstanding items for this auction, including rare prototypes and examples of never-released pieces.


Long Beach 1997 Rose Pendant

Long Beach 1997 Rose Pendant

Event #22 MAY 15, 2002
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #22 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) with the auction on eBay for a prototype of an unreleased Geese box figurine sculpted by David Lawrence raised $610.


Geese Prototype

Geese Prototype

Event #21 APRIL 13, 2002
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #21 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) with the auction on eBay for a prototype of the 2001 Canadian exclusive Beer Nuts raised $465.


Beer Nuts Prototype

Beer Nuts Prototype

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Event #20 NOVEMBER 1, 2001
The firefighters of New York City and their families were hit particularly hard by the events of September 11th. The HK House of Peers and Harmony Ball Company offered an opportunity to help with the Charity Event #20 auction of these two prototype Pot Bellys. The $152.50 proceeds of this eBay auction was donated to The Leary Firefighters Foundation.

US Flame Tamer and UK Smokey Joe Prototypes
US Flame Tamer & UK Smokey Joe Prototypes

Event #19 OCTOBER 5, 2001
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #19 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill). The prize for HOP's Fall Raffle was that elusive kitty - Back Scratch! The entry deadline was December 1, 2001, and raised $2,000.


Back Scratch

Back Scratch

Event #18 JULY 10, 2001
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #18 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) with the Live Charity Auction of eight items donated by Harmony Ball Company staff members raised $2,770.

Live Charity Auction Winners
Live Charity Auction Winners

Event #17 JULY 11, 2001
A charity and HOP fundraiser Charity/Fundraising Event #17 raised $1,119 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) and the HK House of Peers with a 50/50 split with the Rosemont Lucky Dip.

Lucky Dip

HOP Charity - 2001–2002 JULY 10, 2001
NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) continues as the primary charity that the HK House of Peers will support on a national level during the fiscal year ending July 1, 2002.
Event #16 MAY 14, 2001
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #16 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) with the auction on eBay of six Chapter V Lord Byron's Harmony Garden flower prototypes raised $1,282.

Chapter V Lord Byron's Harmony Garden Prototypes
Chapter V Lord Byron's Harmony Garden Prototypes

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Event #15 MAY 15, 2001
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #15 to benefit the American Brain Tumor Association with the live auction of seven items donated by Harmony Ball Company staff members raised $2,465.

HK Live Charity Auction Winners
Some of the Live Charity Auction Winners

Event #14 APRIL 15, 2001
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #14 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) with the raffle of an Elusive Shark. Royal Watch members were also eligible to enter the Design A Jest Contest to benefit NAMI. Raffle winner Jean Vincent was drawn Sunday, July 1, 2001! Design A Jest Contest winner was Robin Davis.



Event #13 JANUARY 7, 2001
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #13 to benefit Rescue a Golden of Arizona with the auction on eBay of Beau Brummel and Orange Crush prototypes raised $610.


Beau Brummel Prototype



Orange Crush Prototype

Beau Brummel Prototype
Orange Crush Prototype

Event #12 OCTOBER 22, 2000
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #12 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) with the raffle of a Back Scratch raised $2,222.50.


Back Scratch

Back Scratch

Event #11 SEPTEMBER 3, 2000
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #11 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) ended September 10, 2000, on eBay raising $1,526.


Unreleased 'Clair de Lune' Prototype

Unreleased Clair de Lune Prototype

HOP Charity - 2000–2001 AUGUST 1, 2000
NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) is the primary charity that the HK House of Peers will support on a national level during the fiscal year ending July 1, 2001.
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Event #10 JUNE 28, 2000
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #10 to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) held at Clair de Lune 2000 June 28, 2000, raising $4,200 with the raffle of a Back Scratch.

Back Scratch Winner 'Dodi' Cevera with Martin Perry
Back Scratch Winner 'Dodi' Cevera with Martin Perry

Event #9 JUNE 24, 2000
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #9 to benefit the American Diabetes Association, Make-A-Wish Foundation, and World Wildlife Fund raised $360 with Chucky Pig.


Chucky Pig

Chucky Pig

Event #8 JUNE 11, 2000
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #8 to benefit the Samvit Sagar School in Madras, India ended June 16, 2000, on eBay raising $1,480.


True North Prototype

True North Prototype

Event #7 MAY 24, 2000
"Fill in the Blanks" Raffle of a Lifetime charity fundraiser Charity Event #7 to benefit the American Diabetes Association, Make-A-Wish Foundation, and World Wildlife Fund.

With a $10 donation to one of the above charities, one Royal Watch member received the quartet: Back Scratch, Let's Do Lunch, Untouchable, and Who'd A Thought.

Entry deadline was August 23, 2000, with the drawing held on September 4, 2000.

Congratulations Jacqueline "Jackii" Molsick, the raffle winner!

Event #6 MARCH 28, 2000
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #6 to benefit the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Services ended April 2, 2000, on eBay raising $2,000.

March is Red Cross Month!


Spring Bouquet Prototype

Spring Bouquet Prototype

Charity is a key focus for HOP. With the endorsement by Harmony Ball Company, HOP provides charitable functions on a national level. We also work with the independent HOP clubs to further support their charities.
During the first five HOP hosted charity events, including the first auction on May 31, 1999, funds totaling
in charitable donations, have aided our listed charities,
Feed the Children, the Hampshire Staffordshire Bull Terrier Rescue, and the local charities of our authorized independent clubs throughout 1999.
Thank you Harmony Ball Company and the many Harmony Kingdom collectors for a wonderful year!
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Event #5 DECEMBER 20, 1999
A charity fundraiser Charity Event #5 to benefit the Hampshire Staffordshire Bull Terrier Rescue in Farnborough Hants, England ended December 27, 1999, on eBay.

Dead Ringer Prototype

eBay Total Raised = £909.45 [US$1,525.98] for Hampshire Staffordshire Bull Terrier Rescue and Bulldog Rescue

Dead Ringer Prototype

HOP Charities - 1999–2000 NOVEMBER 18, 1999
Three charities have been selected that the HK House of Peers will support on a national level during the fiscal year ending July 1, 2000. They are: American Diabetes Association®, Make-A-Wish Foundation®, and World Wildlife Fund®.
Event #4 OCTOBER 1, 1999
Victims of Hurricane Floyd, through the American Red Cross, will be the recipients of this HK House of Peers fundraiser for Charity Event #4. As the auction closed 'paragon' was the proud owner of the angel and a check for $5,600 was on its way to the American Red Cross.

A 'Naked' Angel was auctioned on eBay to help raise funds for the hurricane victims in the southeastern area of the U.S. The devastation and severe flooding prompted this special auction, which ended October 6, 1999.

View the Thank You from Lynn M. Sherrill

A 'Naked' Angel
As the name implies, if you're easily offended,
please skip this page and auction.

Total Raised = $5,600 for
American Red Cross

Event #3 JULY 25, 1999
Not one, but four prototypes were drawn on September 26, 1999, for the latest HOP charity raffle.

Aria Amorosa - Murphy's Last Stand
Straight From The Hip - The Mouse That Roared

Authorized independent clubs sold $5 raffle tickets to raise funds for their charities. Details are in the Summer issue of the Queen's Courier. Visit our Charity Event #3 page for details.

Thank you to all the participating clubs. A total of $3,605 was raised for the independent club charities.

Event #2 JUNE 19, 1999
They are the key players in the second charity offering to be held during the Rosemont International Collectible Exposition at the Harmony Kingdom Medieval Times event. Visit the Close Shave Raffle page for details.

The winning ticket was drawn by Martin Perry during the HK Medieval Times event, immediately following the HK Grand Investiture.

The prototype winner – Sylvia Richards

The winning charities:
American Diabetes Association - $1,340
Make-A-Wish Foundation -
World Wildlife Fund -
Total Raised: $5,640

Who are these guys?
Close Shave Prototype

Event #1 MAY 26, 1999
For our first charity offering, the HK House of Peers is proud to present a prototype version of 'Road Kill' (TJBB99).

The HK House of Peers, Harmony Ball Company, and Martin Perry presents this rare and unique Treasure Jest in a special charity auction. As a benefit for the tornado victims in Oklahoma, proceeds from the sale will go directly to Feed the Children.

This auction ran on eBay and ended on
May 31, 1999, at 17:58:26 PDT (eBay time).

Raising $4,085 for Feed the Children.

View the Thank You from Larry Jones

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Overseeing much of Harmony Kingdom's charitable work on a national level is an important HOP role. With the support of HBC, we strive to support various charitable organizations. This support is achieved with offering various 'unique' HK pieces to collectors. The funds raised, through auctions or raffles, will be donated to the chosen charity for each piece.
We have an ongoing search for 'just the right' charity, at any given time. Suggestions are always welcome. Please send suggestions, along with supporting information, to the HOP Charity Coordinator.



Revised: February 28, 2025

HK House of Peers
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Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
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