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Charity Auction


Harmony Kingdom

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HK House of Peers


HK House of Peers Spring/Summer US and UK Charity Raffle

The HK House of Peers conducted a charity raffle featuring three (3) prototypes generously donated by Harmony Ball Company. Tickets were purchased by check, made out to the charity of your choice, by credit card, or by PayPal. All tickets purchased by US and UK club members were pooled so that everyone had a chance at the three prizes.

There were three (3) prizes in the raffle. The first name drawn got first choice at these prototypes, the second name got second choice, and the third name will take the last available piece. The drawing occured at the first appearance of Peter Calvesbert for "The #1 Merryfields Tour" in Warwick, New York, on August 4, 2007.

Big Gulp

This is a solid-body prototype of a Treasure Jest which will be released in June 2007. Carved by Master Carver Peter Calvesbert, he may have taken snakes' unusual digestion to the extreme! This snake has swallowed the elephant. The worldwide edition size of 200 makes this a hard-to-find piece! The released version is a box, not solid-bodied.

Big Gulp (Solid Body Prototype)
Holy Smoke (Cigar Prototype)

Holy Smoke

This is the only prototype of the 2006 Annual Santa piece with the special cigar version! This is one way to get this variation!

This Mortal Coil

This piece is an unreleased Artist Master. It is based on Peter's nautilus Treasure Jest, but is solid-bodied and cast using a bronze resin rather than a marble resin.

This Mortal Coil (Bronze Resin Artist Master)

HOP has asked each independent collectors' club to submit the names of their charity(s) that will reap the monetary benefits of these raffles. The charities submitted are:

Harmony Ball Company sponsor: NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) NAMI is dedicated to the eradication of mental illnesses and to the improvement of the quality of life of all whose lives are affected by these diseases. (NATIONAL) []
Friends In Harmony sponsor: DCFS (Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services)
Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services The Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services will, with our community partners, provide a comprehensive child protection system of prevention, preservation, and permanency to ensure that children grow up safe, physically and emotionally healthy, educated, and in permanent homes. (CALIFORNIA) []
Friends In Harmony sponsor: Wildlife WayStation
Wildlife WayStation The Wildlife WayStation is a national nonprofit, holding rehabilitation, medical and problem solving refuge for native, wild, and exotic animals. Located in the Angeles National Forest, north of the San Fernando Valley, the Wildlife WayStation is a safe haven for both native and exotic wildlife and is dedicated to their rescue, rehabilitation, and relocation. Friends In Harmony is currently sponsoring 'Daisy,' a lioness housed at the Wildlife WayStation. (CALIFORNIA) []
Harmony Florida Suncoast Collectors Club sponsor: Florida Baptist Children's Homes - Lakeland Campus
Florida Baptist Children's Homes Florida Baptist Children's Homes is a faith-based, organization that provides safe, stable, Christian homes for boys and girls who have been neglected, misdirected, abandoned, abused, or caught up in family turmoil. They also provide an Adult Day Program and care for adult women who have developmental disabilities. (FLORIDA) []
Harmony Florida Suncoast Collectors Club sponsor: Friends of Strays, Inc.
Friends of Strays, Inc. Friends of Strays is a nonprofit volunteer organization in St. Petersburg, Florida. Founded in 1978, Friends of Strays is dedicated to the care and adoption of homeless pets. Their primary goal is to stop the reproduction of homeless cats and dogs that are abandoned and left to roam, unable to care for themselves. Friends of Strays is a No-Kill Shelter. (FLORIDA) []
Harmony in the Heartland sponsor: Nebraska Humane Society
Nebraska Humane Society The Nebraska Humane Society acts as a voice for the animals, and through them, enriches the communities they serve. Founded in 1875, they provide education, give sanctuary to animals, encourage adoptions, and promote responsible pet ownership. (NEBRASKA) []
Harmony Midwest Collector's Club sponsor: Fried's Cat Shelter
Fried's Cat Shelter Fried's Cat Shelter is a no-kill, nonprofit organization dedicated to the health and welfare of homeless felines. Fried's was founded by Hans and Lucille Fried in 1977. The Fried's passed away over ten years ago, but their legacy is still being carried out today by the Board of Directors. Fried's Cat Shelter is still a no-kill, cageless sanctuary that thoroughly believes in spaying and neutering as the most effective method to control the feline population. (INDIANA) []
Lone Star Harmony sponsor: The SPCA of Texas - Perry Campus
The SPCA of Texas The SPCA of Texas is dedicated to providing every animal exceptional care and a loving home. The SPCA of Texas is the leading animal welfare agency in North Texas with two shelters and three spay/neuter clinics, and serves as an active resource center providing an array of programs and services that bring people and animals together to enrich each others' lives. They are a Reservation Required shelter, where they no longer euthanize animals for lack of space. (TEXAS) []
Puget Sound Harmony Kingdom Collectors sponsor: Whisker City
Whisker City Whisker City is dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of abandoned, abused and neglected pets. Whisker City was founded in 2000 by April Brown, who has been rescuing animals for almost 20 years. Run entirely by unpaid volunteers as a nonprofit organization, the facility was designed for 30 cats, but has housed as many as 170. It acts mostly as an overspill for other shelters and has a no-kill policy. It operates Whiskers on Wheels (WOW), the Northwest's first mobile cat adoption center. The cheery school bus parks at area businesses, by invitation, for the day and can hold 22 cats. (WASHINGTON) []
Purrfect Harmony sponsor: SICSA (The Society for the Improvement of Conditions for Stray Animals)
SICSA (The Society for the Improvement of Conditions for Stray Animals) SICSA is a private nonprofit animal welfare group dedicated to helping the homeless, stray, and unwanted animals in Kettering, Ohio, Dayton, and the Miami Valley. SICSA prevents the euthanasia of adoptable companion animals by addressing the animal overpopulation problem; and nurturing the human/animal bond through humane education. (OHIO) []
Rocky Mountain Harmony sponsor: Animal Rescue and Adoption Society (ARAS)
Animal Rescue and Adoption Society (ARAS) ARAS is a no-kill cat shelter dedicated to preventing cruelty to animals, and providing a safe shelter and a second chance for homeless cats and kittens. Through outreach programs and community referrals, ARAS seeks to educate the public by providing current information regarding other rescue organizations and services when ARAS is unable to accommodate the animal in need. ARAS is committed to helping animals in need of safe environments and people in need of solutions. (COLORADO) []
Southern Harmony Collector's Club sponsor: LaGrange - Troup County Humane Society (People 4 Paws)
LaGrange - Troup County Humane Society (People 4 Paws) The LaGrange - Troup County Humane Society strives to improve the lives of animals by educating the public on the humane treatment of animals. This includes the importance of spaying or neutering, current vaccinations, annual veterinary examinations, and the proper care and treatment of animals. Through community involvement, quarterly newsletters, educational programs, and their website, the Society promotes the adoption of healthy animals, as well as educating the public to lessen the number of unwanted animals in the community. The Society supplies the City of LaGrange Animal Shelter with dog and cat food and provides emergency medical treatment of injured animals. (GEORGIA) []
Tri-State Kingdom Collectors Club sponsor: New Yorkers For Children (NYFC)
New Yorkers For Children (NYFC) New Yorkers For Children strives to improve the lives of children and families served by the Administration For Children's Services by providing the private resources needed to assist Children's Services and by increasing the private sector's awareness of child welfare issues. NYFC has supported projects that have changed the lives of the almost 17,000 children in foster care as well as the over 30,000 children whose at-risk families receive preventive services in New York City. (NEW YORK) []

Your payment for tickets must have arrived no later than July 1, 2007.

Raffle tickets for US collectors were priced as follows:

  •   1 ticket   for $5, or
  •   6 tickets for $25, or
  • 14 tickets for $50, or
  • 22 tickets for $75, or
  • 30 tickets for $100

When sending your check (or checks to support more than one charity), please indicate the charity of your choice by making the check(s) payable to the charity. Please include your first, second, and third piece choice, should you be a lucky winner. Raffle ticket numbers will be forwarded to you, if you include your email address or a stamped self-addressed envelope.

To join in on the fun and purchase your raffle tickets, make your check(s) payable to the charity (in US dollars ($)), and mail to HK House of Peers.

HOP thanks our collectors in advance, and sends best wishes to all who participate! These are some great prizes, aren't they?

Collectors in the UK can support Marie Curie Cancer Care or The London Wildcare Trust.




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