HK House of Peers - Member Clubs

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(The House of Lords is the second chamber of the British Houses of
Parliament. Members of the House of Lords are known as 'peers.')


HK House of Peers




HOP Bylaws
Authorized Independent Club Guidelines
Club History
Independent Clubs
. Atlantic Kingdom Addicts
. Harmony Florida Suncoast Collectors Club
. Harmony in the Heartland
. Lone Star Harmony
. Puget Sound Harmony Kingdom Collectors
. Purrfect Harmony
. Sonoran Harmony
. Treasure Jest Seekers
. Tri-State Kingdom Collectors Club

Harmony Kingdom

Harmony Kingdom UK

HK House of Peers


Harmony Kingdom
Authorized Independent Club Guidelines

Revised: March 17, 2009

This is an agreement between Harmony Kingdom and a Harmony Kingdom independent club (hereinafter referred to as Club) regarding Harmony Kingdom authorized independent club status.

The HK House of Peers (hereinafter referred to as HOP) will process all Club applications and in turn will submit completed applications to Harmony Kingdom for final authorization.

Harmony Kingdom and HOP requires certain guidelines and rules be followed for each Club to maintain 'authorized' status.

An independent club must adhere to the following rules and guidelines:

  1. The Club should have a positive purpose based upon Harmony Kingdom. The sharing of information about Harmony Kingdom, charitable work and fun social events are three primary focuses for each Club.
  2. The Club shall maintain a minimum Club membership of twenty–five (25) members.
  3. The Club should conform to geographical, population and Club membership criteria set by Harmony Kingdom. These are based on the following rules:
    1. Clubs should be collector run and not exclusively for customers of a single dealer;
    2. Whenever geographically feasible, potential Club members are encouraged to join an existing Club rather than forming a new Club. It is our intent to consolidate Club membership to maximize the size of each Club;
    3. Clubs should not be formed only to take advantage of Harmony Kingdom special offerings.
  4. The Club shall have five people in the club appointed or elected for the following positions (may coincide with or be separate from officers):
    1. Communications Coordinator – responsible for newsletters or flyers, and electronic correspondence with the Club members;
    2. Membership Coordinator – responsible for the membership database;
    3. Meeting / Event Coordinator – responsible for organizing activities;
    4. Charity Coordinator – responsible for charitable activities of the Club;
    5. Helping Hands Coordinator – responsible for assisting as needed.

    Harmony Kingdom retail store owners or their management staff, HK independent sales representatives, or Harmony Ball Company/PGF, Ltd. employees or their subsidiaries cannot hold office or be a delegate in any Club. The intent is not to exclude store sales clerks.

  5. The Club should hold at least four group meetings or activities a year (not virtual). This may include group meetings or activities held jointly with other Clubs.
  6. The Club shall adopt a mission statement with the intent to follow this as a framework for Club management. This will provide a guiding influence for the functioning of the Club.
  7. The Club shall support one or more charities, providing the opportunity to share a harmonious relationship with Club members and the community at large. Your charity may be local, regional or national.
  8. The Club should submit a copy of each issue of your newsletter (if applicable), flyers, or membership correspondence to:
       232 NEILSTON ST
       COLUMBUS OH 43215-2636
    The intent is to share knowledge of Club activities with Harmony Ball Company.
  9. The Club should abide by all Harmony Kingdom trademark and copyright rules. Copyright specifics are sent under separate cover with your authorization. All material is subject to approval by Harmony Kingdom. Submit all copyright requests to:
       232 NEILSTON ST
       COLUMBUS OH 43215-2636
  10. The Club shall maintain a version of Microsoft Excel 97 or higher and Microsoft Word 97 or higher within the Club membership for sharing information between the Club and HK/HOP as well as other Clubs.
  11. The Club should supply a current list of names, addresses and email addresses of officers and the five Coordinators (see Guideline #4) of the Club to the HK House of Peers (Attn: HOP Secretary), as well as name and address for receipt of HK donations.
  12. The Club shall supply a current list of members, in the Excel format provided by HOP, to the HOP Secretary on a monthly or as needed basis.
  13. The Club should provide an email address for the Club President (or officially designated representative), the five Coordinators, the HOP Delegate and an Alternate HOP Delegate. It is understood that the officers or delegate and alternate may also hold one of the five Coordinator roles. The HOP Delegate and the HOP Alternate Delegate shall have email addresses, should reside in different households and may hold other officers positions in the Club.
  14. The Club should apply to be officially authorized by Harmony Kingdom by submitting a Notice of Intent to the HK House of Peers (Attn: HOP Secretary).
  15. The Club shall provide requested information for the annual Club audit to determine the Club's compliance with the guidelines and appropriateness for re-authorization. The Club shall report how it used the fundraising or charity items and the amounts raised. The Club shall report on the total amount of charitable donations and the names(s) of the recipients.
  16. The Club should participate in periodic surveys conducted by HBC/PGF/HOP and shall authorize use of the Peer database for this purpose.
  17. The Club should participate in the annual HOP Meeting with at least one representative at the meeting.
  18. The Club shall adopt and submit bylaws that explain how elections are held, dues are paid, funds distributed, frequency of meetings, sponsorship (if applicable), procedures for dissolution of Club or membership (if applicable, including funds of treasury). Send a copy of the Club's bylaws to the HOP Secretary with your application and anytime they are amended.
  19. The Club shall not release members' names and personal information without specific written approval of the member. If the Club provides its membership list to any retailer or sponsor, it must make that list equally available to all retailers or sponsors.
  20. The Club should notify the HK House of Peers (Attn: HOP Secretary) within two (2) weeks in the case of dissolution of Club.

Harmony Kingdom / HOP agrees to the following:

  1. FUND RAISING DONATION: Harmony Kingdom will supply donations two (2) times per year of "value items" for fundraising purposes. These will be shipped in equal quantity to each club regardless of number of members, in January/February and June/July. These items are to be used for charity and club fundraising only and will have higher values than door prize items. At least 50% of the funds raised from thee items must be given to charity.
  2. DISCRETIONARY DONATION: Harmony Kingdom will supply donations two (2) times per year of "giveaway or door prize items" to be used by the Club at its discretion. The quantity of items shipped will be based on Club membership. These donations will be shipped in March/April and September/October. Examples of "giveaway or door prize items" include open edition box figurines, hats, tee shirts, jewelry, paper products, and displays.
  3. Harmony Kingdom will list on an annual basis all authorized independent clubs, as provided by HOP, in the Royal Watch publication, The Queen's Courier, usually in the Spring issue.
  4. Harmony Kingdom will list authorized independent club information, as provided by HOP, on the Harmony Kingdom and/or HOP website.
  5. Harmony Kingdom will supply timely information and updates via email to HOP, who will then notify the Club via the HOP bulleting board, the HOP website, or email.
  6. While most communication between Harmony Kingdom and the Club will occur via HOP, Harmony Kingdom or HOP may contact the specific Coordinator in the Club about relevant information (i.e. HBC may contact the Meeting / Event Coordinator in relation to an upcoming event).
  7. Harmony Kingdom and HOP will conduct periodic surveys among all Clubs for feedback.
  8. HOP will organize and sponsor authorized independent club national events.
  9. Harmony Kingdom will supply each Club with a Harmony Kingdom Authorized Independent Club Certificate.
  10. Harmony Kingdom will review each Club yearly, using the audit information provided by HOP, for renewal.
  11. Harmony Kingdom reserves the right to refuse or rescind any Club authorization.

An individual or a group of individuals may apply for authorization as a Harmony Kingdom Authorized Independent Club with the privileges outline above, if they agree to abide by the rules and guidelines outlined above.

Prospective independent clubs should submit a preliminary Harmony Kingdom Authorized Independent Club Application - Notice of Intent to reserve a geographical area and apprise HK and HOP of the club formation so that assistance can be provided. A Club Helper Kit will be sent to the prospective club. The Notice of Intent is a portion of the information required in the formal Harmony Kingdom Authorized Independent Club Application. The HK House of Peers, through the HOP Secretary, will assist in the completion and final submission of applications.

Print the forms found on the HOP website, or request them by email from the HOP Secretary, or by mail from: HK HOUSE OF PEERS (HOP SECRETARY), 4532 SHOAL CREEK CT, ALEXANDRIA VA 22312-3166.









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