HK House of Peers - Member Clubs

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(The House of Lords is the second chamber of the British Houses of
Parliament. Members of the House of Lords are known as 'peers.')


HK House of Peers




HOP Bylaws
Authorized Independent Club Guidelines
Club History
Independent Clubs
. Atlantic Kingdom Addicts
. Harmony Florida Suncoast Collectors Club
. Harmony in the Heartland
. Lone Star Harmony
. Puget Sound Harmony Kingdom Collectors
. Purrfect Harmony
. Sonoran Harmony
. Treasure Jest Seekers
. Tri-State Kingdom Collectors Club

Harmony Kingdom

Harmony Kingdom UK

HK House of Peers


HK House of Peers
Club History

In 1997 independent clubs featuring Harmony Kingdom collectors began the history of the HK House of Peers. Here is a listing of all of the clubs that were dedicated to HOP, a 22 year history, with their banners. The current independent clubs are highlighted with a link to their individual page.

HK House of Peers - Member Clubs

HK House of Peers

Atlanta Kingdom Addicts
Atlantic Kingdom Addicts

Newport, RI
Capitol of the Kingdom
Capitol of the Kingdom
Columbus, OH
The Devil Mountain Daydreamers
Devil Mountain Daydreamers
San Francisco, CA
East Coast Harmony Seekers
East Coast Harmony Seekers
Philadelphia, PA
Friends In Harmonh
Friends In Harmony
Southern California
Gateway to the Kingdom
Gateway to the Kingdom
St. Louis, MO
Harmony Florida Suncoast
Harmony Florida Suncoast

Tampa, FL
Harmony Great Lakes Collectors Club
Harmony Great Lakes Collectors Club
Southern Michigan
Harmony HIlls Collectors Club
Harmony Hills Collectors Club
Cleveland, OH + Pittsburgh, PA
Harmony in the Heartland
Harmony in the Heartland

Omaha, NE
Harmony Mid-Atlantic Collectors Club
Harmony Mid-Atlantic Collectors Club
Baltimore, MD (+ DC, DE, PA, VA, WV)
Harmony Midwest Collector's Club
Harmony Midwest Collector's Club
Chicago, IL
Harmony Northwest
Harmony Northwest
Portland, OR

Harmony Up North (Hunnies)
West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Hudson Valley Harmony Kingdom Collectors Club
Hudson Valley Harmony Kingdom Collectors Club
Albany, NY (areas)
Jester's Court
Jester's Court
Houston, TX
Jewels of the Carolinas
Jewels of the Carolinas
Charlotte, NC
Lone Star Harmony
Lone Star Harmony

Dallas / Ft. Worth, TX

Mad Murphy Independent Harmony Kingdom Club
Worcester, United Kingdom
Palmetto Parliament
Palrmetto Parliament
Sumter, SC
Puget Sound Harmony Collectors
Puget Sound Harmony Kingdom Collectors

Seattle, WA
Purrfect Harmony
Purrfect Harmony

Dayton, OH
Realm of Harmony
Realm of Harmony
Evansville, IN
Rocky Mountain Harmony
Denver, CO
San Diego Harmony Kingdom Collector's Club
San Diego, CA
Sonoran Harmony
Sonoran Harmony

Phoenix, AZ
Southern Harmony
Southern Harmony Collector's Club
Atlanta, GA
The Elusive Few
The Elusive Few
San Bernardino, CA
The Untouchables
Chicago, IL
United Kingdom
Treasure Jest Seekers

United Kingdom
Treasure Jesters of the West
Treasure Jesters of the West
Sacramento, CA
Tri-State Kingdom Collectors Club
Tri-State Kingdom Collectors Club

New York, NY
Harmony Kingdom



Revised: February 28, 2025

HK House of Peers
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