The HK House of Peers and Harmony Kingdom offered you the opportunity to win, not one, but two prototypes of Trouble Bruin. We had for your consideration two prototype figurines: Trouble Bruin Version One and Trouble Bruin Version Two; two wonderful Treasure Jests carved by Master Carver Peter Calvesbert. At the same time you would be assisting NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill), a grass roots organization dedicated to the eradication of mental illnesses and to the improvement of the quality of life of all whose lives are affected by these diseases. All proceeds from this auction will be donated to NAMI in the winners name.

Trouble Bruin Version One & Trouble Bruin Version Two Prototypes
Master Carver Peter Calvesbert carved both versions of Trouble Bruin which were produced in England at Wimberley Mills. The prototypes up for auction are box figurines. Version One is #002. Version Two is #001. This Small Treasure Jest introduction (TJBE2) had a worldwide production of 5,000 in 2003.
Trouble Bruin HK Secrets:
(Production Box)
On the bottom of this grizzly bear's right rear paw is a pair of initials: JB, for Joanna Brunson, a dedicated HK fan. She also gets a "Hello" and a smile on the inside of the lid. On the interior is a stuffed toy zebra named "EB," who belongs to Peter's son Sam. On the branch is inscribed 35mph - the top speed a grizzly can reach when running (say, while chasing an ice cream van). -4 is the temperature inside Pete's studio first thing in the morning. 30 stands for how long bears can live and 1500 lbs is the weight the largest ones may reach. The initials PC can be found carved under the left arm. The mouse shows his bravery by appearing between the vine and the bear's foot. Fixed edition of 2500 Version One and 2500 Version Two worldwide. 200 Version One "Trouble Bruin" are black in color.
Trouble Bruin Prototype Interior (shown) |
The prototypes of Trouble Bruin differ from each other, as well as from the production pieces.
Trouble Bruin Version One is a grizzly bear, sitting on his haunches, with a branch wrapped around him. This figurine differs from the production piece in several ways:

Trouble Bruin Version One
Prototype Lid & Base
- The bottom of the lid has no crown stamp. It is blank.
- The bottom of the base has no label. On it is written:
# 002
- Peter Calvesbert's initials are not present under his left front leg.


Trouble Bruin Version One Prototype |


Trouble Bruin Version Two has the same grizzly, but he is wearing an old fashioned army helmet.

Trouble Bruin Version Two
Prototype Base & Lid
- This piece is missing Peter's initials from beneath his left front leg.
- The bottom of the lid is blank.
- There is no crown stamp.
- The bottom of this base has no label. It does, however, have written on it:
# 001


Trouble Bruin Version Two Prototype |


Please do not miss out on this great opportunity to add not one, but two, very rare and very special pieces to your collection! You will not only bring joy to yourself, but you will help bring joy to those who NAMI supports.
This auction was held on

and ended July 31, 2005
raising $207.50 for NAMI

Harmony Kingdom Trouble Bruin V1&V2 Protos for Charity

This eBay Auction was a charity auction sponsored by the HK House of Peers to benefit NAMI.
NAMI is the nation's leading grassroots organization solely dedicated to improving the lives of persons with severe mental illnesses (major depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety disorders). Their efforts focus on support to persons with serious mental illnesses and to their families. They advocate non-discriminatory and equitable federal and state policies; increased research funding into the causes, symptoms, and treatments for mental illness; and education to eliminate the pervasive stigma toward severe mental illness. Through advocacy and education, NAMI translates biomedical research advances into effective treatment and services for individuals with serious mental illness.
Thank You!
'teresahk' |