The HK House of Peers and Harmony Kingdom offered you the opportunity to win a prototype of an unreleased box figurine. At the same time you assist NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill), a grass roots organization dedicated to eradicating mental illness and improving the quality of life for those affected by these diseases.

Geese Prototype |

Geese Prototype |
The Geese box was carved in England by David Lawrence. It features a pair of geese and four goslings. The gander is standing guard and the goose sits on the eggs that have not yet hatched, while the goslings start exploring the world around them. Inside a fifth gosling has just come out of its shell.
This auction was held on

and ended May 26, 2002
raising $610.00 for NAMI

Harmony Kingdom - Geese Box Prototype

Geese Prototype Interior
This delicate box prototype is only 2 inches tall; the base is approximately 1 5/8" x 1 3/8". The hallmarks are a treble clef, ©, the initials "D.L", a clock face (indicating the piece was carved in late 1995, and the diamond (indicating the prototype was produced in 1996).

The bottom is marked in ink
GEESE # 002.
David Lawrence has initialed D . L on both the base and the lid.
Geese Prototype Base |
This eBay Auction was a charity auction sponsored by the HK House of Peers to benefit NAMI.
NAMI is the nation's leading grassroots organization solely dedicated to improving the lives of persons with severe mental illnesses (major depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, obessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety disorders). Their efforts focus on support to persons with serious mental illnesses and to their families. They advocate non-discriminatory and equitable federal and state policies; increased research funding into the causes, symptoms, and treatments for mental illness; and education to eliminate the pervasive stigma toward severe mental illness. Through advocacy and education, NAMI translates biomedical research advances into effective treatment and services for individuals with serious mental illness.
Thank You!
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