
HOP Raffle & Design A Jest Contest Rules
The Raffle and Design A Jest Contest are open to any Royal Watch member. You may enter as many times as you wish. Raffle entries may be combined on one form. Please use a separate form for each Design Contest entry, to allow for impartial judging.
If you are only entering the Raffle and the entry form is not available, please type or print the following information on a piece of paper: Name, Address, Phone, Email, Royal Watch Membership Number, number of Raffle tickets requested, and total amount enclosed.
If you are also entering the Design A Jest Contest, the following additional items are required:
A Certification, with original signature, is required for each entry. Contest entries submitted without the Certification will not be considered. They will be treated as a Raffle entry only. The required Certification statement is:
I certify that the Design A Jest entry I am submitting is my original idea, has not been published elsewhere, and is not copyrighted. I understand that all entries become the exclusive property of Harmony Kingdom, the Harmony Ball Company or its representatives, and that I am not entitled to any compensation for it. I further understand that the Harmony Ball Company is not to be held responsible for any legal actions taken towards any outside entity for violation of any national or regional laws or standards.
A description of your idea:
Identify the series. This is optional, but may assist the judges to understand your idea:
Treasure Jest |
Holiday Annual |
Harmony Garden |
Romance Annual |
Roly Poly |
Angelique |
Black Box |
Harmony Circus |
Clair de Lune |
Picturesque |
- Name the box. This can be either descriptive (e.g. "three owls") or humorous (e.g. "Wise Guys"). This is optional, but may assist the judges to understand your idea.
- Describe the exterior of the box in enough detail so that the judges can understand your idea. For example: "A box with three owls," is not sufficient detail. However, "Three owls, one wearing a necktie, stand in a circle facing outward. One has a mouse crawling down its wing," provides enough information to understand the idea. A description of the interior is optional. A sketch is optional -- where drawing ability does not count! An entry with an incomplete or insufficient description will not be considered; it will be treated as a Raffle entry only.
- Each Raffle or Design A Jest entry is $5 US / £3 UK / $7 CN. Make check or money order payable to NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) and mail to:
HK House of Peers
PO Box 40336
Bay Village, OH 44140 USA
- Entries submitted by mail must be received no later than June 25, 2001, in order to be included. Entries may also be submitted in person during the HK Reunion on Friday, June 29, 2001, at the International Collectible Exposition in Rosemont, Illinois.
- Raffle winner selection: The winning entry will be drawn during the Rosemont ICE Show at the HK booth on Sunday at 1 pm. You need not be present to win. The Raffle prize is the elusive Shark.
Congratulations to Jean Vincent of
Lenoir City, TN!
The winner of the Elusive Shark raffle. |
- Design A Jest winner selection: The judging will be "blind," i.e. the judge will not know who submitted which entry. It will be done in two phases. During the first phase, a panel of HOP Delegates and Alternates will evaluate the entries based on originality and humor or beauty. Ten semi-finalists will be selected and forwarded to Harmony Kingdom. In the unlikely event that two collectors submit exactly the same idea, the entry submitted first will be advanced to the next round. During the second phase, Harmony Kingdom will evaluate the semi-finalists and select a winner. The decision of the judges is final and not subject to appeal. The names of the winner and semi-finalists will be announced in the Fall 2001. The Design A Jest contest prize is a prototype Treasure Jest—either one based on the winning idea or an alternate prototype selected by Martin Perry.
- Selection as the Contest winner does not guarantee or imply that the design will ever be produced by Harmony Kingdom.
Raffle & Contest has Ended |