The HK House of Peers and Harmony Kingdom offered you the opportunity to win an extremely rare prototype of an unreleased box figurine of a 'Gorilla and Baby.' At the same time you would be assisting NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness), a grass roots organization dedicated to the eradication of mental illnesses and to the improvement of the quality of life for all whose lives are affected by these diseases.

'Gorilla and Baby' Prototype
Master Carver David Lawrence carved the 'Gorilla and Baby' in 1996. This is a prototype, made in England at Martin Perry's studios; the piece has never been released.
'Gorilla and Baby' is approximately 2.25" tall, 1.4" wide, and 1.9" deep.
A mother gorilla hovers protectively over her curious off-spring in this charming, whimsical piece.
If you look closely, you will see that she has already eliminated one danger to her child. You can see his helmet and a boot on one side, and his map of THE BLACK NILE and his binoculars on the other.
'Gorilla and Baby' Prototype
'Gorilla and Baby' Prototype

'Gorilla and Baby' Prototype Interior

'Gorilla and Baby' Prototype Interior
Inside is all that remains of OTTO the explorer! The following hallmarks are found inside the piece: ◊ (diamond, for the year the piece was carved – 1996); Clock Face (indicating carving was completed in December); DL (David Lawrence); Treble Clef (HBC logo); and © (copyright). The base is marked with a handwritten BGB.

'Gorilla and Baby' Prototype Base
Don't miss this opportunity to add a rare prototype to your collection! With your winning bid you support the efforts of NAMI, in their dedication to the eradication of mental illnesses and to the improvement of the quality of life of all whose lives are affected by these diseases.
This auction was held on

and ended Sunday, May 20, 2007
raising $338.33 for NAMI

Harmony Kingdom 'Gorilla and Baby' Prototype

This eBay Auction was a charity auction sponsored by the HK House of Peers to benefit NAMI.
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) is the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to improving the lives of persons living with serious mental illness (major depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety disorders) and their families. Founded in 1979, NAMI has become the nation's voice on mental illness, a national organization including NAMI organizations in every state and in over 1,100 local communities across the country who join together to meet the NAMI mission through advocacy, research, support, and education.
Thank You!
'mlg2srg' |