The HK House of Peers, Harmony Kingdom and Martin Perry
presented the third charity raffle held September 26, 1999. Four prototypes were raffled and Martin Perry drew the winning tickets at The Limited Edition on Sunday, September 26, 1999, during the final stop on the House of Lords tour. Those special winners along with their club affiliation are listed below.
The Limited Edition, the final stop of the House of Lords tour will host this special drawing. Martin Perry will draw the tickets for the four winners. The special prototype's include:
The elephant seal, Aria Amorosa (TJES), including the trunklike extension of the snout in males.
Artist: Peter Calvesbert
Introduced: January 1998
Retired: July 1998 - Sudden Death
Todd Horosewski – Harmony Hills Collectors Club |

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The original large hippo, Straight From The Hip (TJLHI), before the leaves were added. Martin notes that this version was much nicer. The leaves may have been added for production reasons.
Artist: Peter Calvesbert
Introduced: 1991
Jeff Hix – Harmony Midwest Collector's Club |
Murphy's Last Stand (TJPB), with traffic cone on the polar bear's back.
Artist: Peter Calvesbert
Introduced: June 1997
Retired: October 1997 - Sudden Death
Sally Dillon – Harmony Mid-Atlantic Collectors Club |

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The original The Mouse That Roared (RWMO), where the mouse is holding a mouse instead of an elephant, and the Jr. on the medallion is a ? instead.
Artist: Peter Calvesbert
Introduced: July 1999
Royal Watch - Independent Club Membership Redemption
M. Ingravallo – The Tri-State Kingdom Collectors Club |

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Images are pictures of the actual prototypes.
Click on images for additional pictures. |
All Harmony Kingdom Authorized Independent Clubs may participate in this charity raffle through a variety of mechanisms. Clubs may conduct a raffle via meetings, mailings, retailers, or however they decide. The HK House of Peers must ensure that the proceeds from these prototypes is given to charity, per the request of Martin Perry and Noel Wiggins. Clubs will submit their raffle proceeds to HOP. In turn, HOP will issue a check, made out to the charity or charities specified by the clubs, where the club will present the check to their charity.
Each raffle ticket cost $5, allowing multiple chances to win. The prizes will be four (4) prototypes, raffled separately, donated by Martin Perry and Harmony Ball Company. All proceeds go to the charities of the independent clubs. The drawing was held at The Limited Edition in New York, September 26, 1999. Martin Perry drew the four (4) winning tickets.
Tickets should be a standard two-part ticket in any color desired. The donor must print their name and telephone number clearly on each ticket. The clubs initials must also be included on each ticket for identification assistance.
Each club sells tickets however they wish. When sales are completed, they send the tickets and a check to: HK House of Peers c/o HOP Charity Coordinator, with the exact name of their charity. HOP will validate the number of tickets with the amount of money received. After the drawings, the winners will receive the prototypes by mail. The HOP Treasurer will then send each club a check, payable to the club's designated charity, for the amount of money received.
The drawing was held on September 26, 1999. All entries must have been received by HOP by September 13, 1999.
The amount of money raised by the authorized independent clubs was $3,605. The proceeds go to the specified charities of the clubs that participated.
With special thanks to:
Devil Mountain Daydreamers
East Coast Harmony Seekers
Friends in Harmony
Harmony Florida Suncoast
Harmony Great Lakes Collectors Club
Harmony Hills Collectors Club
Harmony Mid-Atlantic Collectors Club
Harmony Midwest Collector's Club
Harmony Northwest
Jester's Court
Lone Star Harmony Kingdom Collectors
San Diego Harmony Kingdom Collector's Club
Southern Harmony
The Elusive Few
The Tri-State Kingdom Collectors Club
on behalf of the HK House of Peers, Harmony Ball Company and Martin Perry! |