The HK House of Peers, Harmony Kingdom and The Royal Watch offered you the opportunity to own the Elusive Shark and/or a Harmony Kingdom prototype of possibly your original design.
A Raffle to benefit NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) resulted in a winner of the Elusive Shark. The winner was announced on Sunday, July 1, 2001, in the HK Booth at the Rosemont ICE Show.

Congratulations to Jean Vincent of Lenoir City, Tennessee!
The winner of the Elusive Shark raffle. |
In addition to the Shark raffle, Royal Watch members were also eligible to enter the Design A Jest Contest. Entry deadline was July 1, 2001. Each Raffle or Design A Jest entry was $5 US / £3 UK / $7 CN.
Raffle or Design A Jest Contest Details
Design A Jest Contest Winner
The HK House of Peers is pleased to announce that Robin Davis, of Cottage Hills, Illinois, is the winner of the Design a Jest Contest! Robin's prize will be a prototype of the design, as interpreted and carved by Peter Calvesbert.
The winning entry's working title is "Potty Time", and shows what happens when four curious kittens discover how much fun a toilet can be. There are two kittens in front trying to look into the bowl - one is too short, so he's standing on the toilet paper roll. A third is on the top of the tank looking down, when he accidentally flushes the toilet! The fourth has worn himself out playing with the toilet paper and has fallen asleep, still wrapped in the paper. The mouse is hiding inside the toilet paper roll, hoping to escape notice! (The details of the design and the name may be changed before production.)
Robin has collected Harmony Kingdom "since before the first membership kit came out" and particularly enjoys Peter's work. She primarily collects the animal boxes, especially the cat boxes. Robin also enjoys the quirky British sense of humor that comes through in boxes like "Driver's Seat" and the Black Boxes.
Delegates and Alternates from the HK House of Peers acted as preliminary round judges, and narrowed the original group of 87 entries down to 13 finalists. Martin Perry, HarmonyKingdom's Artistic Director, selected the winning entry. Descriptions of all the finalists are on Page 14 of the Fall 2001, Queen's Courier.

"Potty Time" First Carving
The Design a Jest Contest and Raffle raised over $1,530 for NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill). The carving details were available on November 1, 2001.
Congratulations, Robin!
NAMI is the nation's leading grassroots organization solely dedicated to improving the lives of persons with severe mental illnesses (major depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety disorders). Their efforts focus on support to persons with serious mental illnesses and to their families. They advocate non-discriminatory and equitable federal and state policies; increased research funding into the causes, symptoms, and treatments for mental illness; and education to eliminate the pervasive stigma toward severe mental illness. Through advocacy and education, NAMI translates biomedical research advances into effective treatment and services for individuals with serious mental illness. |