The HK House of Peers wishes to thank all the collectors and attendees at Fire & ICE – for a wonderful Convention. Collectors of Harmony Kingdom and Adam Binder Editions enjoyed our guest artists: PETER CALVESBERT and ADAM BINDER.
The HK House of Peers, in conjunction with Harmony Kingdom and Adam Binder, is pleased to announce that the next convention—Fire & ICE—will be held June 23–26, 2011, in the Chicago suburb of Skokie, Illinois. Both Peter Calvesbert and Adam Binder will be guest artists at this event! The name of the event, Fire & ICE, acknowledges a well-known part of Chicago's history (the Great Fire of 1871) and gives a nod to the more recent past—the International Collectible Exposition that introduced Harmony Kingdom, Peter Calvesbert, and Adam Binder to collectors in the U.S. Harmony Kingdom, HOP, and all of us crazy collectors were a big part of the ICE shows starting in 1996, so for many it will be a reunion that is sure to bring back many great memories.
There will also be the opportunity to meet Andrea Calvesbert and Lisa Binder. HK founder Lisa Yashon is back to reminisce about the early days of Harmony Kingdom and to give us a hint or two about what the future holds!
Plan on arriving on Thursday, June 23, in time to kick off this great weekend at a Welcome Party hosted jointly by Harmony Midwest Collector's Club, Purrfect Harmony, and The Adam Binder Club. This was be your opportunity to greet old friends and welcome new ones to the HK group.
As a treat to the collectors, a special small pendant Fire Dragon, carved by Adam Binder, will be available to registered attendees, at a cost of $25. |
During registration you received your event pieces, name tags, signing times, and other goodies. You were assigned a time slot, based on the order of registration (by number), unless your request a later time. There was two registration periods: one before the Optional Outings; another in the late afternoon.
We had four new items to help you coordinate with this years event. Choose from our logo enhanced coordinated shirts: a Unisex Pique Polo; a Ladies Pique Polo; or a Recycled Cotton Blend T-Shirt. Use our black Tote Bag, with event logo, to carry around those goodies you may end up winning. You could even pre-order your our 'Personalized' Dollar Raffle tickets, or any of the other items being offered. Orders must be received by May 15, 2011.
HOP planned two optional outings during the day on Friday, June 24. Those were: Chicago City Trolley Tour ($38); or Lincoln Park Zoo ($34). Transportation was included, PLUS you received an aqua color variation of the Thursday night pendant ICE Dragon, carved by Adam Binder.
The Opening Session was a busy night! We had a Reception Style Food, including a Carving Station, Hors d'œuvres, and a Cash Bar. The Artist Signing for both Peter Calvesbert and Adam Binder began.
The evening was filled with other activities:
- Lucky Dip (our version of Tombola) is a very popular game, with hundreds of prizes. You draw a number, and if it matches the number on one of the prizes, you win that prize! Draws cost $2 each, or six (6) for $10. You have an approximate 40% chance of winning a prize with each draw.
- There were club information tables, so you could find out what the local clubs were doing, and raffles with fabulous prizes.
- Plus, there was plenty of room to sit and work on puzzles, exchange event trading cards, or just chat with other attendees.
This was a great opportunity to have our artists sign some of your personal pieces! Plan on bringing pieces for Peter Calvesbert and Adam Binder to sign. You had one signing time scheduled during the weekend for Peter and another time for Adam. You chose your times during registration. You were allowed only six (6) pieces signed during each of your allotted times. This gave the artists a few minutes to spend talking with you. Event pieces were pre-signed, so they do not need to be included in the six allowed pieces.
Additional pieces could be signed on Sunday morning during the Raffle of a Lifetime. This signing time was for a charity donation of $2 per signature, or three (3) for $5, with the proceeds going to the Heartland Animal Shelter.
Our Blue Light Special was a raffle of a special color version of an event prototype for charity. Each raffle had a different color figurine. The tickets were $1 each and all tickets were disposed after each drawing. Checks may be written directly to the charity – Heartland Animal Shelter. Visit our CHARITIES page for more information on Heartland Animal Shelter. There will be four drawings during the event:
- Welcome Reception by the Local Clubs
- Friday night Opening Session
- During the daytime activities on Saturday
- Saturday Dinner Banquet
In some previous conventions we had a "Yearbook" which included photos of attendees and any personal information they wanted to share; like their board name, favorite pieces, etc. This yearbook will help us put faces with names.
This time we went a step further. We turned the Trading Cards into our "Yearbook," which will also work as our Ice Breaker.
- The Trading Cards included photos sent by the attendees, with other information they were willing to share.
- Only people who send in photos got Trading Cards in their registration packet.
- The deck you receive has only your picture card. You'll get as many as the total number of people participating. If 100 people participate in the Trading Cards, you received 100 cards that have your picture.
- You trade your own card with someone for their card.
- To get a full deck, you will need to trade all but one of your cards without getting any duplicates.
- To help you know who to get cards from, you received a checklist of names. You need to match photos with name tags, when you're searching for someone you may not know. When you trade with someone, you should have their name initialed.
We started accumulating photos well in advance, so that setup can begin early. If you had registered for the event, your were able to submit your information on our TRADING CARDS page.
Saturday was split into two sessions: a Morning Session and an Afternoon Session. This gave attendees a break for lunch, which was on your own. The Morning and Afternoon Sessions had activities that include:
- Assigned Artist Signing Times (for both Peter and Adam) – you must get your assigned time during registration.
- Swap 'n Sell is where collectors and dealers bring items for sale. The cost is $20 per table for sellers. Entrance is free to the event attendees. Sellers can offer Harmony Kingdom, Adam Binder, and other HK artists' collectibles. If you (the seller or vendor) have hand-crafted items you made yourself, these can be included, provided they are in good taste. Other items can be offered by the sellers, but they must be related to the hobby of collecting, and can take no more than 25% of the table space.
- Paint-Your-Own is an activity enjoyed by many. You will receive an unpainted version of Ed's Safari V in your registration package. Paints will be provided for you to finish your piece as you like. You can then submit your finished work of art for judging. Our artists will pick their favorite and the attendees will have an opportunity to select their favorite, just before dinner on Saturday night. The winners each receive an event prototype figurine on Sunday.
- Carve-Your-Own was a new addition to our event in Newport, Rhode Island, in 2009. Carving kits are available for a $5 fee. The kit includes everything that you need to carve, including tools. If you have your own tools, you are welcome to bring them, as well. Pieces can be submitted for judging by the artists. Prizes will be awarded to the winner(s) on Sunday.
- It's A Sure Thing! takes any remaining prizes left from the Lucky Dip on Friday and offers a guaranteed winning draw for $5. Everyone is a winner!
- Charity Bingo with cash prizes! We charge $3 for a 3-card sheet, at the beginning of each game. The type of Bingo is announced (regular, postage stamp, full card, etc.), then you play all three cards on your sheet giving you three (3) chances to win. When the winner(s) is announced, the money collected for that game is divided between the charity, Heartland Animal Shelter, and the winner. Then another game is started.
- Lucky Dip Exchange is where you can bring items you may want to exchange from your many prizes. Volunteers will help you make exchanges, no dollars should be exchanged, this is for swaps only.
- Dollar Raffle is a major charity event. We scour everywhere to get good raffle items and then give you the opportunity to enter your tickets only for the raffle items you want. There can be anywhere from 70 to 85 separate raffles. Tickets are $1 each and will be on sale Friday and Saturday. Non-attendees will be able to enter and select from a portion of the Dollar Raffle items. This will increase the revenue that will be donated to the charity - Heartland Animal Shelter. Checks may be written directly to Heartland Animal Shelter. As the raffle items become available, they will be posted on our DOLLAR RAFFLE page.
Saturday night featured our Dinner Banquet, and:
- Paint-Your-Own Voting by the attendees. The artists pick their favorite and the attendees pick their favorite. Both winners are announced on Sunday morning and will receive a prototype figurine.

- Carve-Your-Own entries will be on display.
- Costume Contest will be held at approximately 9:00 p.m. There will be multiple winners who will each receive a prototype figurine. The theme will be announced at a later date.
- Live Auction of rare and special items (like the pre-HK Cockerel to the right) to benefit NAMI. We offer our rarest and most desirable items for this live auction on Saturday night. All proceeds go to NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness). Checks may be written directly to NAMI. Visit our CHARITIES page for more information on NAMI.
Sunday began with a Breakfast Buffet, followed by the exciting Raffle of a Lifetime drawings, and awarding of event prizes!
- Raffle of a Lifetime is a fundraiser that helps to cover the costs of the event, with the remainder going to charity. Each attendee is allowed to purchase only one raffle ticket at a cost of $30. There are generally 50 to 60 prizes, usually valued at $100 or more. If your name is called, you select the prize you want from the remaining prizes, until all of the prizes are gone.
- Evelyn Williams Oil Painting Charity Raffle includes an original 10" x 12" oil painting—New Baby, and coffee table book—Evelyn Williams Works and Words. Tickets are $10 each and you do not need to be present to win. This raffle will benefit our national charity—NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness). To order tickets visit our EVELYN WILLIAMS OIL PAINTING RAFFLE page for more information, and some restrictions.
- Charity Artist Signing will allow extra pieces to be signed by the artists. Peter Calvesbert and Adam Binder will sign pieces, for a donation of $2 per signature, or three for $5. The donation benefits the Heartland Animal Shelter. Checks may be written directly to the charity - Heartland Animal Shelter. Items will be left with the staff members and returned after the artists have signed them. You will not be allowed to talk to the artists while they sign.
The cost was $250 per person at the full Collector level. If you registered by November 15, 2010, you received the Early Bird figurine Light My Fire, carved by Peter Calvesbert, provided full payment was received by February 14, 2011. At the Collector level you also received On The Brink, carved by Adam Binder; a pendant carved by Peter Calvesbert; a Paint-Your-Own figurine; Friday Night Opening (with food); Saturday Night Dinner; Sunday Breakfast Buffet; two scheduled personal four-minute Signing Times (one with each artist); and a Goodie Bag.
We also offered an Associate level at $140 per person. This was ideal for family and friends that accompany someone at the Collector level. The Associate level registrations received a Paint-Your-Own figurine; Friday Night Opening (with food); Saturday Night Dinner; Sunday Breakfast Buffet; and a Goodie Bag.
There were opportunities exclusively for attendees to get other figurines carved by the two artists.
The host hotel was the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Chicago – North Shore Conference Center in Skokie, Illinois. HOP negotiated a fabulous rate, however the group block has been sold-out. The rate was available three days before and after the event, allowing attendees time to visit the greater Chicago area. Visit our HOTEL INFORMATION page for more information.
Our schedule of events is finalized. We have tried to make your event the best we can. Check out our SCHEDULE OF EVENTS.
All events were casual dress. However, you may have brought a costume for the Saturday evening festivities. We had a Costume Contest for the best dressed Guys and Dolls in our crowd. The winners walk away with event prototype figurines. It was well worth the effort to get your mind in gear early. There were three categories: one for best female costume; one for the best male costume; and one for best couple (only one prize for the couple).
It takes a lot of volunteers to make an event like this successful. This year, we had a special way to say "Thanks" for helping. Volunteers who work at least a three (3) hour shift during the event (or who did at least three hours helping to prepare for the event) had the 'right-to-buy' a special color version of Peter's cat pendant, Elliott the Cat, for $25! In addition, all volunteers went into a drawing for a solid event prototype.

Fire & ICE