The HK House of Peers, in conjunction with Harmony Kingdom, was pleased to announce PASSPORT TO THE KINGDOM, an event in a part of the country steeped in history and now a playground for the well-connected folk. The Newport Harbor Hotel and Marina will be the host hotel. Located on Aquidneck Island in the city of Newport, state of Rhode Island, the event was from October 30–November 1, 2009; Halloween weekend.
Halloween! To be sure, the witches and goblins of yore were not treated kindly by folk in the day!
Hope you planned arriving early on Wednesday, October 28, 2009, to help kick off this great weekend as the Atlantic Kingdom Addicts hosted a complimentary dinner (reservations are required) for everyone; to greet old friends and welcome new ones to the HK group.
HOP also had an optional outing on Thursday, October 29. An Olde Town Ghost Walk is a walking tour of historic and haunted Newport. This 90-minute tour, with walking less than one mile, includes a special pendant, Ready To Eat, for those who reserve in advance.
A fun-filled weekend was planned for all Harmony Kingdom collectors. A Welcome Luncheon started the activities on Friday, followed by a Peter Calvesbert signing session, a "Get A Leg Up" demonstration for Paint-Your-Own, club tables, and the ever-popular Lucky Dip. Dinner is on your own, but join us later that night for a Casino Night charity fundraiser to benefit the Potter League for Animals. Saturday continued with a session of Peter Calvesbert signing, Swap 'n Sell, Paint-Your-Own, It's A Sure Thing, Bingo, a Carving Workshop with guidance from Peter Calvesbert, a signing session with Andrea Calvesbert, and a Halloween Party and Reception. Saturday ended with the voting for the Paint-Your-Own and Carving Contest entries, Dollar Raffle drawings, Carnival Games, a Halloween Costume Contest, all enjoyed with food. Sunday starts with a breakfast buffet and the Grand Finale which includes: Raffle of a Lifetime; the announcement of Awards and Prize winners; a special Charity Signing by Peter Calvesbert; and our Live Charity Auction.
Our most favorite gremlin, Master Carver Peter Calvesbert, was in attendance. Peter has modified a treasured older piece; The Big Day, by honoring the Halloween weekend in Another Big Day. Peter had planned something special for our versions 1 and 2 event figurines this year. Visit our EVENT PIECES page to see Safe Journey and Across The Pond, a base that can be used with Safe Journey. It's even rumored that Noel Wiggins will be back to enthrall you with his tales of the past.
The cost of the event is $240 per person, at the full Collector level. If you registered by March 16, 2009, you will receive the Early Bird figurine, Another Big Day, at no cost. A minimum $100 deposit must have been made by March 16, 2009, with the balance paid by June 1, 2009. We are also offering an Associate registration for spouses, friends, and children at $150, as long as at least one person is registered as a Collector. Independent club or Royal Watch membership is not required for attendance.
Many activities were planned throughout the weekend to focus on giving back. We had games, raffles, and auctions to support two charities: NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) and the Potter League for Animals (Newport's animal advocacy shelter). The largest fundraising effort this weekend occurred during the Sunday Brunch with the Raffle of a Lifetime and the Live Charity Auction. We had items for all pocketbooks. We hope your plans enabled you to be part of this big event!
The host hotel was The Newport Harbor Hotel and Marina in Newport, and, yes, it is on the water. The cost per standard room was $159 per day, plus taxes, for the event and $149, plus taxes, for the days leading up to and after the event.
What did you get for your registration fee? All attendees, Collectors and Associates, received the following as part of registration:
- Goodie Bags, plus participation in all activities throughout the event – SCHEDULE OF EVENTS
- Lunch on Friday
- Paint-Your-Own (unpainted) version of Saint Or Sinner
- Opportunity to Carve-Your-Own piece (kit additional)
- Reception food on Saturday night
- Breakfast on Sunday
- Access to the Hospitality Suite, sponsored by Atlantic Kingdom Addicts
- Right to buy "Version 2" figurine, Across The Pond
- Right to buy up to two Patriot Pete pendants, two Raffle of a Lifetime tickets, and an extra event figurine
Collectors also received:
- The event figurine Safe Journey
- The Early Bird figurine Another Big Day, for those that qualified
- Pendant depicting Dame Andrea, carved by Peter, as the Sunday Brunch gift
- Five-minute personal signing time with Peter Calvesbert
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