Listen up, me matey's! A great gathering of the PIRATES of the KINGDOM came to Orlando, Florida, April 11–13, 2008! This was the big one, you definitely wanted to be on board!
The HK House of Peers, in conjunction with Harmony Kingdom, was pleased to announce a special conflagration of PIRATES of the KINGDOM in Orlando, Florida, for all dedicated marble dust addicts and their families! It was a fun-filled weekend of old-time camaraderie, some pirate games, plenty of good grub, and a few prize goodies for the booty chest!
The dates were April 11–13, 2008, the place was Orlando, Florida, the land of sunshine and a never-ending list of things to do! If you've never been there, we hope you added a few days to your trip to do some sightseeing and visit the many attractions in the surrounding area. For early-arriving mates on Wednesday, April 9, there was a Welcome Reception hosted by Harmony Florida Suncoast Collectors Club. HOP planned optional outings on April 10 - visit our OPTIONAL OUTINGS page to see the options. Online registration has ended
A fun-filled weekend was planned for all Harmony Kingdom collectors. We had games, artist signings, event pieces, a Swap 'n Sell, the ever-popular Lucky Dip,door prizes, raffles, and an auction for rare Harmony Kingdom pieces. We began with an afternoon of games, artist signings, the ever-popular Lucky Dip, and a special HK slide show on Friday. That night we had a reception and Charity Fundraiser Pirate Games Night. Saturday featured more artist signings, the Paint-Your-Own, and Swap 'n Sell, followed by a buffet stocked with scrumptious victuals. Sunday began with a sit-down breakfast, followed by the exciting raffle drawings, charity auction, and awarding of event prizes.
Our guests of honor was Harmony Kingdom Artist and Master Carver Peter Calvesbert and our Artistic Director and Founder Noel Wiggins. In addition to Peter, Noel, and their families, we were pleased to announce the appearance of Lisa Yashon and ex-Harmony Ball Company staff members Sandy Auer and Bobbie Hill.
Peter had carved a wonderful piece, Rocky Road, which features an old friend, Murphy, exclusively for attendees who registered early. Our popular Rockhopper penguin was "hitching" his way on the road to Orlando, complete with special HK treasures in his backpack and his Mickey Mouse ears, ready to meet the big guy while there. Peter brought his family with him to enjoy the Florida sights. Artist Monique Baldwin carved the event figurine and the Version 2 figurine, which was shrink-wrapped with surprises. See those pieces and a Peter special on our EVENT PIECES page. Peter Calvesbert also created a special piece to help him and his family visit Orlando. Event pieces must have been ordered by January 31, 2008.
The host hotel was the Crowne Plaza Hotel ORLANDO-UNIVERSAL conveniently located near all local attractions. The cost per standard room was $139 per day, plus taxes, for one to four people. Other rates were available for upgraded rooms. Room reservations ended March 11, 2008.
The cost of the event was $240 per person, at the Buccaneer level. If you registered by July 2, 2007, you were eligible to receive the Early Bird box figurine Rocky Road at no cost. A deposit of at least $100 was required by July 2, and the remainder must have been paid by October 1, 2007. We also offered registration for Matey's (spouse and/or friends) at $140, and Swabbies (children under 12) at $90. Independent club or Royal Watch membership is not required for attendance. The online registration deadline was February 15, 2008.
What are you getting for your fee? See our EVENTS SCHEDULE for the weekend. Here's what was in store for everyone who registered – whether you were a Buccaneer, a Matey, or a Swabbie:
- Entry to all events from the Opening Session on Friday to the Closing Session on Sunday
- Substantial hors d'oeuvres provided at the Charity fundraising Reception and Game Night on Friday
- Receive the Goodie Bag
- Receive the event Paint-Your-Own piece and participate in the painting & contest
- Inclusion in the Event Yearbook (when a picture is submitted)
- Receive all event programs and the Yearbook
- Entry to the Hospitality Suite (and its goodies)
- Can participate in any of the games and compete for any prizes
- Have the "right-to-buy" the Version 2 shrink-wrapped event figurine. There is a maximum of 2 per person, if ordered in advance.
- Can participate in the Raffle of a Lifetime. It is limited to one raffle ticket per person for $30.
- For guests at the host hotel on Friday and Saturday nights of the event, they will have the "right-to-buy" a special event pirate monkey figurine carved by David Lawrence.
In addition to entry to the privileged items above, a Swabbie (children under 12) received the following:
- Bead making session on Friday afternoon for kids (at no cost)
- Children's meal (e.g. Chicken Fingers) provided for the Saturday night dinner
- Children's breakfast on Sunday morning
In addition to entry to the privileged items above, a Matey received the following:
- Dinner buffet on Saturday night
- Plated breakfast on Sunday morning
In addition to entry to the privileged items above, a Buccaneer received the following:
- Early Bird box figurine Rocky Road (if qualified)
- Event box figurine carved by Monique Baldwin
- Special HK gift on Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday morning
- Daily newspaper (delivered to your room for Saturday and Sunday)
- A four-minute personal signing time with Peter Calvesbert where you can have up to six (6) pieces signed. Additional pieces can be signed for a charity donation, at a special time on Sunday.
There were many opportunities to win in the contests and games throughout the weekend. Everyone received a "goodie" bag and could enjoy the delightful goodies in the Hospitality Suite.
The PIRATES of the KINGDOM Message Board
is now closed! |
Pirates of the Kingdom |
In addition to the items above, a PIRATES of the KINGDOM Message Board was open for discussing the event, chatting with collector friends, playing games, obtaining travel ideas, and learning more about event details. You could even participate in the weekly contests for "Gold Doubloons." Only registrants could win in the contests. All Harmony Kingdom collectors were invited to participate on the board. Everyone could read the posts, but you had to be a member of the message board to post.
The MSN Groups service has closed. |
Ready to Hoist Your Mizzen Mast?
Registration has ended.
Grab your pirate's gear, hoist your mizzen, and set sail for the PIRATES of the