Dear Harmony Kingdom Dealer or Sponsor:
Another Big Day can be yours!
The HK House of Peers (HOP), in conjunction with Harmony Ball Company, hosted PASSPORT TO THE KINGDOM, an HK event October 30–November 1, 2009, in Newport, Rhode Island. HOP was hosting Harmony Kingdom collectors from all over the country as well as the UK. Just imagine having 125–150 HK devotees in one place for a weekend! And, we have a way that you could have received an event exclusive limited figurine. For more details on how you had the opportunity to get Another Big Day, the early bird figurine, please read on.
HK artist Peter Calvesbert and his family are attending the event. The weekend is filled with many activities for the delight of the collectors and to raise funds for charity. NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) and the Potter League for Animals will be the benefactors of our efforts. At the previous Orlando event, HOP was pleased to raise $33,000 for charity.
As a Harmony Kingdom dealer or sponsor, we offered you an opportunity to participate in this event, even if you didn't attend. You could have advertised in the program, made donations for door prizes and fund raisers, and/or to the Goodie Bag received by each attendee.
It was a win-win situation for all involved. For the collectors, it gave them dealer and sponsor information; for HOP, it provided funds to host the event and raises money for charity; and for the dealer or sponsor, it gave direct advertising to those who spend the most money on HK.
HOP recognizes the value of our sponsors and wishes to reward those who provide significant support to HOP and assist us in making it a charitable weekend, as all profit from the event is donated to charitable organizations. We offered a limited number of Another Big Day, the early bird figurine, to sponsors who contributed. As a sponsor, you received benefits based upon your level of participation.
You could have helped in three ways: through purchasing advertising space in the event program; with donations for our fund raisers; and with items for the Goodie Bag. We had three levels of support; each had a different criterion for qualifying and received different benefits. The details were:
To qualify for this level, a sponsor can:
- Donate items to the fund raisers;
- Purchase a business card size ad (cost is $20) in the program;
- Include a flyer or business card in the Goodie Bag.
For your support, the sponsor is:
- Listed as a sponsor in the program;
- Have your store or organization on the "Sponsors" posters in the main collector facilities;
- If someone is in attendance from your store or organization, their name badge will have special markings to identity them as such.
To qualify for this level, a sponsor must have an ad and do at least one other option:
- Acquire a minimum of a 1/4 page ad (cost is $40); plus
- Make a donation of at least $150 retail in collectible items for the charity fund raisers; and/or
- Send 150 items for the Goodie Bags with a value of at least $125 (donation to be approved by the Committee to prevent duplication).
For your support, the sponsor:
- Receives all of the Basic Sponsor privileges;
- Receives the early bird figurine Another Big Day (value $75) to use in any way you wish.
To qualify for this level, a sponsor must have an ad and do at least one other option:
- Acquire a minimum of a 1/2 page ad (cost is $75); plus
- Make a donation of at least $250 retail in collectible items for the charity fund raisers; and/or
- Send 150 items for the Goodie Bags with a value of at least $250 (donation to be approved by the Committee to prevent duplication).
For your support, the sponsor:
- Receives all of the Basic Sponsor and Major Sponsor privileges including the early bird figurine Another Big Day (value $75) to use in any way you wish;
- Has your store or organization included in the slide show presentation that is projected on an 8' screen, periodically throughout the event;
- If there is an attendee representing the dealer or organization, the picture of the representative can be included in the slide presentation;
- And lastly, all Premier Sponsors are included in a drawing for a prototype of one of the event figurines.
Each year we have people who go beyond any expectations with their generosity. HOP has few ways to show our appreciation. So people who contribute in excess of $1,000 in donations to the event are recognized as a Premier Sponsor with all privileges, plus a 1/2 page ad is provided at no cost.
The Event Program, where the ads are placed, includes all of the information needed to make the weekend a time to remember and is an important resource for attendees to have at all times, plus provides a reminder of the great memories.
Independent local clubs get a $10 discount off the cost of ads, if they choose to be sponsors.
We invite our sponsors to include a card or flyer in the Goodie Bag for each attendee. Sorry, no sales or discounts.
It has been said that life's greatest gift may be the giving of joy to others. If you want to participate, please do one of the following:
- Use our online SPONSORSHIP form to register (online registration is closed).
Don't delay as the number of Major Sponsors and Premier Sponsors are limited.
Timing was critical. Since printing is done in advance for shipment to the event, all donations and ads MUST have been received no later than August 31, 2009, for inclusion in the Event Program.