The HK House of Peers, in conjunction with Harmony Kingdom UK and Harmony Ball Company, featured SOUTHERN COMFORTS – April 4–7, 2013, in Atlanta, Georgia.
The HK House of Peers and our events have a major focus on charity. The SOUTHERN COMFORTS convention is no exception, where three charities benefited from the generosity of its attendees.
The Live Auction proceeds were donated to NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness), our national charity.

About NAMI: Support, Education, Advocacy, and Research
From its inception in 1979, NAMI has been dedicated to improving the lives of individuals and families affected by mental illness.
For three decades, NAMI has established itself as the most formidable grassroots mental health advocacy organization in the country. Dedication, steadfast commitment and unceasing belief in NAMI's mission by grassroots advocates have produced profound changes. NAMI's greatest strength is the dedication of our grassroots leaders and members. We are the families, friends, and individuals that serve to strengthen communities across the country.
Due in large part to generous individual, corporate, and foundation donations, NAMI is able to build on its success and continue to focus on three cornerstones of activity that offer hope, reform, and health to our American community: Awareness, Education, and Advocacy.
All other proceeds were donated to two local charities – Noah's Ark Animal Sanctuary and Rainbow Children's Home.

A nonprofit dedicated to providing sanctuary
for injured, abused, and orphaned exotic, wildlife, and domestic animals.
Noah's Ark was created with this mission in mind:
To provide a home for injured, abused and orphaned animals.
To provide awareness through our rehab/education programs that emphasize all living things have value no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. When we as a society can recognize this fact, we will begin to win the battles for conservation and preservation.
To provide unconditional love and care for animals who have special needs in their lives whether mental, physical or emotional.
Founded by Jama Hedgecoth, the original Noah’s Ark opened in 1978 in Ellenwood, GA. Named for the biblical Noah’s Ark, which represented a vessel of safety in the midst of danger, Hedgecoth’s ark was built to shield children and animals from today’s floods of abuse and neglect.
The care of wildlife can be a lengthy and complex process depending on the species and the extent of injuries. If injuries are so debilitating that the animal cannot be released, it will stay at Noah’s Ark for the remainder of its life in as natural a habitat as possible.
Hedgecoth outgrew her small farm in Ellenwood in 1990 and moved her family – and all the animals – to Locust Grove. The current facility of Noah’s Ark is 250 acres and encompasses an animal rehabilitation center, training and administration building, nature trails and countless natural habitats for the more than 1,000 animals on site.
Representatives from Noah's Ark attended the event on Friday. They had a Needs List of items that would help the animal charity.
Needs List:
- Clorox wipes
- Printing paper
- Sharpie markers
- Clorox anywhere spray
- Sponges
- Scrub brushes
- Large, heavy duty trash bags
- Plastic buckets/pails
- Tupperware containers of various sizes
- Large Ziploc baggies
- Cutting boards (not wood)
- Paper towels
- Old towels and hand towels for rehabbing baby animals
Non-Perishable Foods:
- Dry cereal (Cheerios, Shredded Wheat or similar)
- Raisins and other dried fruits
- Almonds in shell (unsalted)
- Any other unsalted nuts either shelled or in shell (peanuts, cashews, pistachios, Brazil nuts, walnuts, pecans, pine nuts)
- Whole or multigrain grain rice and pastas
- Whole or multigrain flour (rye flour, spelt flour, whole grain flour, buckwheat flour)
- Spices such as vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, and various herbs for big cat enrichment
Perishable Foods:
- any fruit or vegetable except:
mushrooms, avocado, eggplant, regular potatoes (we love sweet potatoes)

Rainbow Children's Home, in Dahlonega, Georgia, specializes in helping 13 to 18 year old girls who come from abused and neglected homes. They also provide counseling services, educational assistance, spiritual guidance, and an environment of hope, security, and opportunity. Since 2000, they have provided care for over 500 children.
Life Skills at Rainbow Children's Home:
As we strive to teach our residents how to build and live successful, healthy and independent lives, we welcome opportunities from the community!
Our girls currently participate in Equestrian Therapy, Art Therapy, Pet Therapy, and music lessons. Some of our residents have also held part-time jobs with local businesses.
Our residents also serve in the community by volunteering at area nursing homes, churches, and with the disabled.
If you are interested in providing enrichment opportunities for our girls through your business or organization, please email [].
In addition to monetary support, here is a Wish List of items that would help the charity. A representative was at the event on Friday to share information, answer questions and accept your Wish List donations. In addition to the needs of the Home, the list below also includes items that can be used for their Annual Yard Sale – one week after our convention.
Wish List:
- Toilet Paper
- Copy Paper (white, standard size)
- Paper Towels
- Towels and Bath Cloths WHITE ONLY, please (so they can be bleached)
- Shoes and Socks (new or gently used) shoe sizes 4–10 women
- Clothing for young women (new or gently used) sizes 0–14 junior/misses
- HE laundry detergent
- Dryer Sheets
- Dishwashing Soap
- Special Wish: Digital Camera for the house (small, nothing fancy)
Yard Sale Donations:
- Any shoes/clothing in good condition (baby to plus sizes)
- Furnishings & Décor items
- Dishes, pots and pans, small appliances
- Toys
- Tools
- Electronics
- Collectibles
- Anything else that might sell in a thrift sale
Visit our HOP CHARITY page or visit these charities at [], [], and [].
We have averaged $30,000 to charity, at each of our last five events. Thank you for your support!