Dolores Kingston
Saline, MI
'Slimfast Santa'
An overweight Santa is on the bathroom scale, which is breaking under his weight. Buttons have popped off his shirt, and he is holding a diet book and a sheet of paper with his New Year's resolution to "Lose 30 lbs." His prescription for Lipitor is the bookmark. Inside the box are a plate piled with cookies, and the no-fat milk that will make up for the cookies. A mouse between Santa's feet is happily eating cheese. Santa's boots are off-to lighten the load.
Dolores will receive the 2005 Santa prototype whether or not her idea is used for her winning idea.
Mark Rambis
Terre Haute, IN
'One For All'
The outside of the box depicts the mascots of the four combat services: Eagle-Air Force, Goat-Navy, Bulldog-Marines, and Donkey-Army. The goat, bulldog, and donkey are huddled together, facing outward, faces showing determination, and attired in a variety of their combat equipment. The eagle sits on a rock pile over them with wings spread, symbolizing the air power she provides to her comrades on the ground and on the sea. Equipment and weapons are among the rocks and mascots. Wanted posters of Saddam Hussein and Osama bin-Laden are tacked to the rocks. Inside the box are a flag and other memoirs.
Mark will receive a prototype selected by HBC for having the runner-up suggestion that came so close.
Leanna Barron
Yonkers, NY
Planet Paradise Prototype

Leanna was the winner of the raffle receiving the array of Planet Paradise figurines.
Brenda Kesterson - Dundalk, MD
This "bed buddies" portrayal is a small bed with a sleeping man serpentined among several sleeping animals. He wouldn't move the animals, but squeezes into the space between them. A cat's tail is over his face, a dog sleeping on his/her back is using the pillow, and another large dog claims the foot of the bed. The large dog's cold nose is on the man's behind. The interior of the box shows the man in the same position as he ended up in the doggie bed.
Brenda Kesterson - Dundalk, MD
'Khimney Klatch'
A meeting of the birds on top of a warm chimney during winter is depicted in this box. They carry coffee mugs, newspapers, and their Blackberries and laptops of course. From a small "Starbirds" window on the side of the chimney, a mouse sells the morning elixir and pastries.
Kelly Drinnen - Dickinson, TX
'Devil May Care'
We see a dark and devilish-looking manta ray gliding over the coral reefs of the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary in the Gulf of Mexico. Upturned "wing" tips give the viewer a glimpse of the ray's white underside and the distinctive black splotches that help researchers identify individual rays. In the background, crabs scuttle across the reef and angelfish dart from coral reef to sponge in search of food. The interior shows a coral reef damaged by a ship's anchor. A fish holds a sign which reads "anchors away!"
Yvonne Bombadier - Dawsonville, GA
'Billy the Kid'
Named after one of the most notorious outlaws of the American West, this goat is equipped with a gun belt and goatee. In his gun belt is a Colt 45 revolver, as used by Billy the Kid. A piece of straw hangs out of his mouth as if he is in mid-chew. Written along the base of this piece are names William H. Bonney, Kid Antrim, and William Antrim-alias names of Billy the Kid. An old signpost reads Stinking Springs-the location for the 3-day siege which led to the Kid and his gang's disbandment. Inside the piece is a tombstone marked Henry McCarty, 1859–1881, next to and old cowboy hat. Henry McCarty is the birth name of Billy the Kid and 1881 is the year he was shot and killed.
Yvonne Bombadier - Dawsonville, GA
This piece features a snow leopard in a crouching position, ready to attack some unseen prey. A snow leopard's tail is longer than its body, in order to wrap it around its nose to protect it from the cold. This cat's tail wraps around its body and curls up to just tickle its nose. Written on the piece is 3,000–7,500 to represent how many of these cats are left in the world. Inside the box is a pair of snowshoes because the cat's paws are unusually large and act as "snowshoes" when walking on the thick snow.
Yvonne Bombadier - Dawsonville, GA
'Slow But Steady'
A sleeping three-toed sloth is featured, hanging upside down in a tree. A finish line is very close, but he shows no interest in hurrying because he has to get in his 18 hours of sleep each day. From lack of grooming, its hair is covered in the usual green moss, which also acts as camouflage from predators. Also in the race scene are a snail and a tortoise. Average speeds are shown on a scorecard-sloth, .25 mph, snail, .03 mph, and tortoise, .21 mph. Inside the piece is a toilet at the base of a tree with a calendar above it-marked once a week to show how often the sloth climbs down to relieve himself.
Christian Eckman - Houston, TX
'Knock, Knock'
This very detailed box features an Ivory-Billed Woodpecker. The title refers to its characteristic "double-rap" as it drums the tree to establish its territory, as well as to the classic joke with the reply "who's there?" The species is extinct due to man's destruction of their natural habitat. The Ivory-Bill is looking for food on the top part of an upright dead tree. Inscriptions 'pecked out' would include "Walter & Gracie" (Lanz), the creators of another famous woodpecker – 'Woody". A pair of binoculars is found inside the box.
Carol Pastorius - Eustis, FL
'The Choir'
This box has a tall board fence with a doghouse in front of it. Three cats sit on the fence, with mouths open in song. A kitten sits to one side with its paws over its ears and a pained expression on its face. Around and on top of the dog house are a variety of dogs-also in song. A dog director leads the group. Behind the fence on the ground is a collection of shoes, with three mice standing on top and singing-one holding a song book. Inside is a mouse playing a piano.
Colleen McBeth - Portland, OR
'Travelling With Stan and Ollie'
This box is a large open suitcase with a large cat lounging in the middle of all the neatly packed clothes. Another cat is looking over the side to see if there is room for him. The exterior of the luggage has travel stickers from around the world. The interior of the box has maps, combs, a tooth brush-and of course, a cat nip mouse.
Marlene Lupear - San Bernadino, CA
'James Hinks' Legacy'
James Hinks of Birmingham, England developed the white Bull Terrier in the early 1850's. The description and drawing for this box includes Hinks' dog "Puss" and some famous descendants such as "Spuds MacKenzie" and "Spot", the mascot for Target stores. The interior would hide a "colored" bull terrier which was despised by fanciers of the breed until the late 1940's.