HK House of Peers - Member Clubs

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(The House of Lords is the second chamber of the British Houses of
Parliament. Members of the House of Lords are known as 'peers.')


HK House of Peers




HOP Bylaws
Authorized Independent Club Guidelines
Club History
Independent Clubs
. Atlantic Kingdom Addicts
. Harmony Florida Suncoast Collectors Club
. Harmony in the Heartland
. Lone Star Harmony
. Puget Sound Harmony Kingdom Collectors
. Purrfect Harmony
. Sonoran Harmony
. Treasure Jest Seekers
. Tri-State Kingdom Collectors Club

Harmony Kingdom

Harmony Kingdom UK

Adopted 12/1/1999
Amendment 2/29/2000
Amendments 4/11/2008

HK House of Peers




April 11, 2008, Amendments

[Original text to be removed is indicated in bracketed blue italics,
changes are indicated in underlined red. Only the sections changed are listed.]



HOP is independent of Harmony Ball Company, [Harmony International, Antiquark] and PGF, Ltd., hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Company," and the Royal Watch, but is endorsed by these entities in a mutual effort to promote Harmony Kingdom collectibles and encourage participation in the independent member clubs.



Section 2 – Delegates. Each Member Club shall select one primary HOP delegate and one alternate HOP delegate. To facilitate decision making and information flow, at least one delegate from each Member Club shall be an officer or a member of their Board of Directors. [Retail operators for the Company may not be HOP delegates.] Furthermore, due to the distances involved and the necessity to keep apprised of developments as they occur, all HOP delegates and alternates must be available via email and have Internet access. A delegate and the alternate may not be from the same household. It is recommended that a HOP delegate or a proxy delegate attend the Annual Meeting.



Section 2 – Election of Officers.

Section 2.1 – Nominations. [In April of each year] Prior to each Annual Meeting, a Nominating Committee shall be selected by the Board to provide a slate of officers for the expiring terms. The slate will be submitted to the delegates [in May] 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting. At the Annual Meeting of HOP, the delegates shall elect officers to serve for the respective terms. Nominees must be [the primary] a delegate (primary or alternate) of their Member Club. Only one delegate of a Member Club can be an officer at the same time.

Section 2.3 – Term of Office. Officers shall serve for a term of two (2) years [,excluding the first fiscal year of operation (1999), where officers shall serve for one (1) year,] or until their successors are elected and installed. In order to ensure that there is continuity on the Board, the terms will be staggered so that no more than three officers will be elected in any one year. To accomplish this [,in the second year of operation (2000)] the President, Secretary, and Member-at-Large are elected [to a two-year term] in one year and the Vice President and Treasurer are elected [to a one-year term] the following year.

Section 2.4 – Vacancies. A vacancy in any office shall be filled by appointment of the Board for the remainder of the fiscal year, unless more than one delegate in good standing volunteers for the position. In which case selection will be made by a simple majority of voting delegates. If the vacancy will be longer than one fiscal year, the position shall be included in the next election process and the term shall be one year. Should a HOP officer cease to be the Member Club’s [primary] delegate to HOP, the HOP office will be considered vacant.

Section 3 – Duties of the Board.

Section 3.1 – Meetings. The Board shall meet prior to the Annual Meeting of HOP, and at other times as necessary, or as called by the President, or by three (3) [members] officers of the Board, to discuss any pending business. Three (3) [members] officers present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum for voting. Meetings may be conducted in person or via electronic means (e.g. telephone conference or via the Internet).

Section 3.2 – Finances. The Board shall approve an operating budget annually, which shall be available to Member Clubs. Payment of bills over [Twenty-five] one hundred U.S. Dollars [($25.00)] ($100.00), which are not within the approved budget, must have prior approval by the Board.

Section 3.4 – Appointed Positions. The Board shall have the authority to create and dissolve special committees or positions as necessary, such as but not limited to: Webmaster, Charity Coordinator, or Special Event Coordinator. Any collector, including HOP officers, may hold these positions. [(Exception: Treasurer and Charity Coordinator may not be held by the same person).] These appointed positions [do not have voting privileges on the Board, nor entitle the position additional voting privileges for their Member Club] may vote on specific issues at the discretion of the Board.

Section 4 – Duties of the Officers.

Section 4.4 – Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to keep a full and accurate record of all monetary transactions of HOP. The Treasurer shall receive all funds and deposit them in HOP’s bank account. The Treasurer shall disburse funds at the direction of the Board. The President is authorized to sign checks in the absence of the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall prepare a current financial report for each Board meeting and a final report for the Board within 30 days of the end of the fiscal year for the Board’s approval. The Board [shall ensure] may request that a non-Board member perform[s] an audit [no later than January 30th of the following year]. The Treasurer shall prepare a budget for the next fiscal year by April 1st of each year, presenting it to the Board for review. The Board shall secure budget approval at the Annual Meeting. Upon approval, the budget will be distributed to voting delegates.



Section 1 – There shall be an Annual Meeting of HOP delegates in [June of each year. This meeting may coincide with the International Collectibles Exposition generally held in Rosemont, Illinois] conjunction with an annual event. If no collector event is held, then the Board shall schedule an Annual Meeting at a place and time convenient to the delegates. Additional meetings may be scheduled at the discretion of the Board as needed. Meetings may be conducted in person or via electronic means (e.g. telephone conference or the Internet).


Leanna Barron, President HK House of Peers

Amendments adopted April 11, 2008




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