During their annual meeting, the HK House of Peers re-elected officers to the positions of President, Secretary,, and Member-at-Large. Held in conjunction with the HK CORRAL 2006 HK Event in Tempe, Arizona, the annual HOP meeting was held on October 15, 2006. Voting Delegates or Alternates re-elected Leanna Barron as President, Ellen Schnaible as Secretary, and Pam Ferguson as Member-at-Large. The 2006–2007 HOP Officers are listed below:
President |
Leanna Barron
Tri-State Kingdom Collectors Club |
Vice President |
Sue Donilon
Sonoran Harmony |
Secretary |
Ellen Schnaible
Lone Star Harmony |
Treasurer |
Johnia Browning
Southern Harmony Collector's Club |
Member-at-Large |
Pam Ferguson
Rocky Mountain Harmony |

Leanna Barron

Sue Donilon
Vice President

Ellen Schnaible

Johnia Browning

Pam Ferguson
The HOP Board of Directors consists of the officers and the appointed coordinator positions, which are currently: Mary Chamberlain, Charity Coordinator; Janice Cothern, Data Coordinator; Hannah Witkowska, Information Coordinator; and Joe McLaughlin, Internet Coordinator. |