During their annual meeting, the HK House of Peers elected officers to the positions of President, Secretary, and Member-at-Large. Held in conjunction with the Let Freedom Ring! HK Event in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the annual HOP meeting was held on October 2, 2004. Voting Delegates or Alternates selected Leanna Barron, Ellen Schnaible, and Pam Ferguson to continue in their positions. The 2004–2005 HOP Officers are listed below:
President |
Leanna Barron
Tri-State Kingdom Collectors Club |
Vice President |
Mary Kay DeMayo
Harmony Great Lakes Collectors Club |
Secretary |
Ellen Schnaible
LoneStar Harmony |
Treasurer |
Johnia Browning
Southern Harmony Collector's Club |
Member-at-Large |
Pam Ferguson
Rocky Mountain Harmony |

Leanna Barron

Mary Kay DeMayo
Vice President

Ellen Schnaible

Johnia Browning
Treasurer |

Pam Ferguson
Member-at-Large |
The HOP Board of Directors consists of the officers and the appointed coordinator positions: Eve Prussner, Charity Coordinator; Janice Cothern, Data Coordinator; and Joe McLaughlin, Internet Coordinator.

Eve Prussner
Charity Coordinator |

Janice Cothern
Data Coordinator |

Joe McLaughlin
Internet Coordinator |