The delegates of the authorized Harmony Kingdom independent clubs approved the HK House of Peers Bylaws on December 1, 1999.
The painstaking efforts of Mary Chamberlin (Harmony Mid-Atlantic and Harmony Hills Collectors Club) and Catherine Leicester (The Elusive Few) paid off, as the Bylaws Committee chairs, when the Bylaws passed.
Their efforts to provide HOP with a working set of Bylaws didn't go without questions. Besides Mary and Catie, the HOP officers suggested changes as the process evolved. Input from club Delegates was also incorporated, as this was a universal effort.
The most significant section was that of the officers. A new office 'Member-at-Large' was created to establish a five member Board.
The office of Treasurer and position of Charity Coordinator were separated. Nancy Hix graciously accepted the Member-at-Large office so she could continue with her Charity Coordination efforts.
Joe McLaughlin accepted the office of Vice President and will continue to work with Internet Coordination and act as the HOP Webmaster.
Thank You! Mary, Catie, and the Board for your efforts.
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