Sharon E. Yackey, Vice President of Friends In Harmony, announced today that their club unanimously approved their venture. This includes being an active member of the Council and HK House of Peers, designing, and purchasing a banner, etc.
Sharon added:
Just to let you know what our club is up to, we selected as our charity the Wildlife Waystation here in Los Angeles, California. This is a wonderful organization, fully supported by volunteers. It is 150 acres and it receives and cares for abandoned, abused, and neglected wild animals from all over the world. It never turns down an animal, and it keeps it forever, except if it can be rehabilitated and released back to its natural habitat, or if a zoo desires it. (Usually, the animals are not zoo specimens, because of people interference, i.e. declawed tigers, etc.) The Waystation takes excellent care of these animals, and the public can visit occasionally. We adopted a three-legged lioness named Daisy. On Sunday, we held our meeting at the Wildlife Waystation (beautiful warm California weather). We were given a tour and of course we got to meet Daisy, who is extremely active and unhampered by her missing front leg. (I do want to tell you that Karen Gilbert of Whimsical Wares in Granada Hills, paid for the adoption. She is great.) After our tour, we just held our meeting among the roaring lions, howling wolves, and monkeys. It was WONDERFUL.
Welcome, Friends In Harmony. Our list is now complete with all 13 HK authorized independent clubs being represented in the HK House of Peers. |